Linear response hydrodynamics of a relativistic dissipative fluid with spin
Семинар «Теория адронного вещества при экстремальных условиях»
Дата и время: среда, 17 мая 2023 г., в 16:00
Место: аудитория Блохинцева (ЛТФ, 4 этаж), Лаборатория теоретической физики им. Н. Н. Боголюбова; онлайн-семинар в Zoom
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Тема семинара: «Linear response hydrodynamics of a relativistic dissipative fluid with spin»
Докладчик: Давид Монтенегро
We formulate a Lagrangian hydrodynamics including shear and bulk viscosity in the presence of spin density, and investigate it using the linear response functional formalism. The result is a careful accounting of all sound and vortex interactions close to local equilibrium. In particular, we demonstrate that the mixing of sound waves and vortices via polariыation, first observed in the ideal fluid limit, extends to the shear mode once dissipative effects are included. Once causal relaxational dynamics is included, this effect, seemingly puzzling because it results in a non-dissipative coupling between a transient mode to an equilibrium quantity, can be understood as a competition between the Israel-Stewart and the polarization relaxation timescale.