Developing the Clusterization Algorithm for Pixel Detectors for FPGAs


Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems

DLNP joint laboratory seminar

Date and Time: Thursday, 27 October 2022, at 11:00 AM

Venue: DLNP Conference Hall, Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems, online on Zoom

Seminar topic: “Developing the Clusterization Algorithm for Pixel Detectors for FPGAs”

Speaker: A. V. Lapkin


Modern pixel particle detectors provide the possibility of determining the coordinates of the hit with a high accuracy. Some of them, for example, Medipix detectors, allow evaluating the particle energy deposit. Note that pixel detectors have a difficult problem of dividing between neighbour pixels the charge which arose from the impact of the hitting particle.

To compensate this effect, the clusterization procedure is used. Clusterization is a process of grouping neighbour non-zero pixels. A cluster is a group of pixels with common borders. The sum of energy deposits in all the pixels of a cluster allows estimating the particle energy with a higher accuracy. The clusterization procedure usually operates with prepared data saved on a computer, which requires much time and a big amount of memory. The clusterization algorithm for FPGAs to be integrated into the DAQ system of pixel detectors is presented. The integration of the clusterization procedure into the DAQ system reduces the amount of memory and time required for data processing.