Investigation of optical properties of LYSO:Ce crystals within the RND programme of the calorimeter of the COMET experiment


Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems

DLNP joint laboratory seminar

Date and Time: Wednesday, 12 October 2022, at 11:00 AM

Venue: DLNP Conference Hall, Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems, online on Zoom

Seminar topic: “Investigation of optical properties of LYSO:Ce crystals within the RND programme of the calorimeter of the COMET experiment”

Speaker: Elena Velicheva


The COMET experiment is an experiment to search for the process of neutrinoless muon-to- electron conversion in the aluminum atom, which will take place on the proton beam of the J-Park accelerator complex, Japan.

A segmented electromagnetic calorimeter (EMC) located in a uniform electromagnetic field and based on long, heavy, and fast LYSO:Ce crystals will be one of the main detectors, the parameters will be determine the implementation of the experiment tasks.

The main task of the ECAL in this experiment is to measure the energy released during the detection of a 105 MeV electron with high accuracy, sufficient for its reliable selection from background events. The ECAL must have a high energy of resolution (better than 5%) and a spatial resolution of 1 cm.

The fundamental feature of this experiment is the large angles of incidence of the registered electrons on the cells end surface of the calorimeter.

The influence of the light yield variation of LYSO:Ce crystals on the parameters of the calorimeter, and the influence of the non-uniformity of the light yield along the length on the LYSO:Ce and LYSO:Ce,Ca on the crystals parameters and difficulties that arise in the creation of the ECAL were considered.. The influence of the angle of the charged particles incidence on the end surface of the calorimeter was also studied. The results of measuring of the prototype calorimeter parameters of the COMET experiment using cosmic muons for angles of 0, 9 and 19 degrees are presented.

(In connection with the re-election to fill the position of a senior researcher)