C230 (IBA, Belgium) and MSC230 (Dubna) RF systems
Scientific DLNP seminar on charged particles accelerators problems
Date and Time: Thursday, 24 March 2022, at 11:00 AM
Venue: Conference Hall of the New Accelerators Department, building 108, Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems
Seminar topic: ”C230 (IBA, Belgium) and MSC230 (Dubna) RF systems”
Speaker: S. V. Gurskiy
The C235 Cyclotron is a commercial machine manufactured by IBA (Belgium) intended for proton therapy. The MSC230 compact superconducting cyclotron accelerating a proton beam to an energy of 230 MeV is designed for proton therapy and biomedical research. Currently it is under development at DLNP, JINR. The RF systems of these cyclotrons will be overviewed at the seminar.