The OGANESSON Prize was created at the suggestion and expense of Scientific Leader of the Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions at JINR, RAS Academician Yuri T. Oganessian and established at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in 2023. Yuri Oganessian and JINR founded the Prize.
In 2022, Yuri Oganessian received the Sber Scientific Prize for his fundamental work on the synthesis of superheavy elements. He decided to direct the 20 million rubles that he received to support young scientists and popularisers of science, as well as cultivate talents in the field irrespective of their age.
The name of the prize is associated with the chemical element of the Mendeleev’s Periodic Table with atomic number 118, oganesson (Og). The element was named after Yuri Oganessian on the IUPAC’s recommendation on 8 June 2016 for the scientist’s contribution to studying transactinoid elements. At the moment, oganesson is the heaviest known synthesised superheavy element.
The Prize is awarded annually for significant achievements in theoretical and experimental research in physics, chemistry, biology, and applied problems, as well as for creative endeavours that popularise science by means of educational and scientific activities. Individual scientific, engineering, and technical specialists or teams of authors (no more than three people), whose contribution was decisive in solving research problems and implementing science communication projects, can participate in the competition.
The winners of the Prize are awarded diplomas, badges, and prize money, the amount of which is determined by the Institute’s order. If a team receives the prize, the money is divided equally among all members. Diplomas and badges are awarded to each member individually.
Nominees for the Prize are the authors of scientific papers, published lecture courses, articles, as well as popular science and art works aimed at popularising science.
Parties with the right to propose nominees:
- Scientific research organizations of any country in the world,
- Scientists with the rank of academicians from any country in the world,
- Specialised institutes and faculties of universities of any country in the world,
- Heads of creative unions of any country in the world.
The decision is made by the Committee of International Experts of the OGANESSON Prize and approved by the Director of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (Dubna).

Alexander Sergeev
Chair of the Prize Committee
Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
Past President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Scientific Leader of the National Centre for Physics and Mathematics

Grigory Trubnikov
Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
Director of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
Winners of the 2024 Prize
At the 136th session of the JINR Scientific Council, the laureates of the international OGANESSON Prize for 2024 were announced.

Aliya K. Nurmukhanbetova
Head of NURIS,
Nazarbayev University
Research and Innovation System, Kazakhstan
Galina N. Knyazheva
Senior Researcher
at the Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions at JINR

Tatyana V. Chernigovskaya
Director of the Institute of Cognitive Research of Saint Petersburg State University, Russia

Yuri A. Zolotov
Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Chief Researcher
at the Department of Analytical Chemistry
of Moscow State University,
Chief Researcher
at the Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, Russia

Zeblon Zenzele Vilakazi
Vice-Chancellor and Principal
of the University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa
On 22 September 2024, at the 136th session of the JINR Scientific Council, the laureates of the international OGANESSON Prize for 2024 were announced.
The award ceremony of OGANESSON-2023 took place on 16 February 2024 in Moscow. Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts hosted the event.

Ana María Cetto Kramis
Physics professor at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, JINR Scientific Council member

Mikhail Shvydkoy
Doctor of Arts.
Art director of the Moscow Musical Theatre.
Cultural, public, and state figure

Valeria Pershina
Chemistry professor at GSI, Darmstadt, Germany

Vasily Semin
Head of the Scientific and Experimental Department of the Accelerator Complex of the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions
The OGANESSON Prize was organized with Sberbank’s support in 2023.