newsletter 34, 11 09

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JINR Newsletter #34, 11 September 2024

Dear colleagues and friends,

Tomorrow one of the key events starts at the Institute, the JINR Scientific Council (SC). At the 136th JINR SC session, leading researchers from around the world will discuss the scientific projects of the Joint Institute.

This week was full of news. At the recent ARIADNA Collaboration Meeting, the applied research programme of the NICA Complex was established. JINR Vice-Director Latchesar Kostov received the Russian Order of Friendship. The academic year started at the Dubna branch of Moscow State University.

In the latest issue of the JINR Newsletter, you will also find new articles and JINR publications, interesting videos, and much more.

Governing Bodies

136th session of JINR Scientific Council

The session will take place on 12–13 September in a hybrid format. At the meeting, members of the Council will hear a report by JINR Director Grigory Trubnikov, consider recommendations of the JINR Programme Advisory Committees held in June 2024, and discuss the JINR Topical Plan for 2025.



Applied research at NICA Complex discussed in Dubna

From 4 to 6 September, JINR hosted the ARIADNA Collaboration Meeting. The three-day event gathered over 150 specialists from 15 countries. The main goal of the meeting was to discuss the collaboration’s scientific programme ahead of the run at the NICA Complex scheduled for 2025.


Construction progress of NICA Collider building discussed at JINR

On 3 September, a delegation representing the general contractor for the construction of the NICA Сollider building visited the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. During the visit, the parties discussed prospects for developing cooperation for the successful and timely completion of construction works.



Latchesar Kostov receives Order of Friendship

On 9 September, Vice-Director of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics Latchesar Kostov was awarded for his great contribution to strengthening the Russia-Bulgaria partnership in nuclear energy and the development of intergovernmental cooperation in fundamental and applied research.



SYMPHYS-XIX Conference starts in Yerevan

XIX International Conference on Symmetry Methods in Physics (SYMPHYS-XIX), organized jointly by JINR and the International Centre for Advanced Studies of Yerevan State University, is taking place on 8–13 September. The event commemorates the outstanding scientist, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexei N. Sissakian.



Impact of swift heavy ion-induced point defects on nanoscale thermal transport in ZnO

The research published in Materials Research Bulletin was conducted by employees of the Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions at JINR and researchers from the scientific centres of Kazakhstan and South Africa. The findings lead to new approaches to developing functional materials using heavy ion irradiation.


Production of neutron-enriched isotopes along magic number N = 126 by multinucleon transfer reactions with radioactive-ion beams

The study was carried out by Vyacheslav Saiko and Alexander Karpov, scientists from the Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions at JINR, and published in Physical Review C in June 2024.


Study of etching features of quartz glass irradiated with xenon ions

The article was co-authored by Head of the FLNR JINR Applied Physics Centre Pavel Apel and scientists from the Lebedev Physical Institute (LPI) and the National University of Science and Technology. The results of the work were published in the LPI bulletin.


Burn-in test and thermal performance evaluation of silicon photomultipliers in TAO Experiment

Journal of Instrumentation issued an article by employees of the Methodical Research Sector of the Laboratory of Nuclear Problems at JINR Nikolay Anfimov and Arseny Rybnikov and Chinese researchers. The team of scientists conducted comprehensive tests of SiPM tiles for the JUNO-TAO Experiment.


CRIC Information System to integrate computing centres for processing SPD NICA data

Researchers from Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics together with JINR employees developed the CRIC (Computing Resource Information Catalog) Information System, one of the key components for building a distributed system for processing experimental data from the SPD Experiment at the NICA Accelerator Complex.



First-year students start new academic year in Moscow State University branch in Dubna

For the first time, the MSU branch in Dubna welcomed Master’s students. A ceremony to celebrate the beginning of the academic year took place on 9 September with the participation of JINR Director and representatives of MSU leadership. After the ceremony, the students visited the NICA Complex.



JINR News bulletin #3 2024 issued

The third issue of the 2024 JINR News bulletin has been published. It provides information on new scientific results obtained at the JINR Laboratories, progress in performance of large-scale experiments, and the JINR social life.


History of nuclear spectroscopy at JINR

The JINR Publishing Department issued a book entitled “Department of Nuclear Spectroscopy and Radiochemistry. 1958-2005: Memories, Documents, and Photos” compiled by Tsvetan Vylov and his colleagues. The collection introduces the reader to the life of several generations of scientists and the department’s achievements in nuclear spectroscopy.


Review of Particles & Nuclei, #5 (Vol. 55) 2024

Please enjoy the review of the fifth part of this year’s volume of Physics of Elementary Particles and Atomic Nuclei that publishes the articles with results of the original theoretical, experimental, scientific and technical, methodical, and applied research.


About new developments of Newton-type iterations for solving nonlinear problems

The monograph by MLIT JINR Deputy Director, Academician of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences (MAS) Ochbadrakh Chuluunbaatar and JINR Honorary Doctor, MAS Academician Tugal Zhanlav explores higher-order iterations for nonlinear equations and their systems, their applications in linear algebra, and some nonlinear problems of theoretical physics.


On numerical methods for solving partial differential equations

Springer published the monograph on high-order finite difference and finite element methods for solving some partial differential equations by MLIT JINR scientists and their Mongolian colleagues. The monograph was released in the book series titled “Synthesis Lectures on Engineering, Science, and Technology” and is based on the results of collaborative research.


JINR Social

JINR at MEPhI Nuclear Festival

6–8 September marked the second Nuclear Festival, organized by MEPhI in partnership with the Joint Institute, Rosatom, Moscow State University, and Kurchatov Institute. Over 30 JINR employees took part in popular science, engineering, music, and sports activities. LRB and DLNP JINR researchers Iurii Severiukhin and Mark Shirchenko read lectures.



Physics and mathematics classes by JINR University Centre

Students from 5 to 8 grades can apply on 13 September by filling out a questionnaire and undergoing interview at the School No. 9. Please note that the starting time depends on the student’s age.


Track and field run in memory of Academician Veksler

The 55th annual run in memory of the outstanding Soviet physicist Vladimir Veksler will take place on 22 September. Registration is required until18 September via the link.



Series of articles to mark DLNP JINR anniversary

14 December 1949, the launch day of the world’s largest synchrocyclotron, is considered the founding date of DLNP at JINR. If you haven’t yet seen the series of articles about the history of this unique facility and the laboratory’s discoveries and researchers, please enjoy reading it.


JINR hosts science school for Egyptian schoolchildren

Please enjoy a short video about the educational course taking place at the Joint Institute with the participation of students of the Children’s University of the Egyptian Academy of Scientific Research and Technology.


New physics textbooks presented

The JINR University Centre hosted a presentation of a new set of physics textbooks for 7th to 9th graders. The team of the book’s authors is headed by VBLHEP JINR employee, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor Yuri Panebrattsev.


A day in JINR life

On 5 September, the JINR Telegram channel published a post featuring an archive photograph with an eminent physicist, Harvard University Professor Norman Foster Ramsey taken exactly 61 year ago, on 5 September 1963. Please enjoy the photo and its description.


Video about main JINR events

We offer you to watch a video review of highlights from the life of the Institute.


JINR Weekly Newspaper issued

A new issue of the JINR Weekly Newspaper #34 has been published. Please note that you can read an English version on the JINR Newspaper’s website.


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