Joint Institute for Nuclear Research

The Joint Institute for Nuclear Research is an international intergovernmental scientific research organization in the science city Dubna in the Moscow region. JINR has at present 15 Member States


The Joint Institute for Nuclear Research is an international intergovernmental scientific research organization established through the Convention signed on 26 March 1956 by eleven founding States and registered with the United Nations on 1 February 1957. JINR is situated in Dubna city, the Moscow Region, the Russian Federation. JINR a world famous scientific centre that is a unique example of integration of fundamental theoretical and experimental research with development and application of the cutting edge technology and university education. The rating of JINR in the world scientific community is very high.

JINR Member States and Associate Members

JINR has at present 15 Member States: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, Cuba, Arab Republic of Egypt, Georgia, Kazakhstan, D. P. Republic of Korea, Mongolia, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Uzbekistan, and Vietnam. Participation of Germany, Hungary, Italy, the Republic of South Africa and Serbia in JINR activities is based on bilateral agreements signed on the governmental level. The Supreme governing body of JINR is the Committee of Plenipotentiaries of the governments of all 16 Member States.

According to its Charter, the Institute exercises its activities on the principles of openness to all interested states for their participation and equal mutually beneficial cooperation.

On 22 November 2021, at the session of the Committee of Plenipotentiary Representatives of the Governments of the JINR Member States held in Bulgaria, a Declaration was adopted to highlight the value of international scientific and technological integration in solving the tasks of strengthening peace, mutual understanding, and socio-economic progress of all the countries.

  Sofia Declaration

On 26 March 2018, the high-level International Conference “JINR: 25 Years of a New Era” was held in Dubna. It was dedicated to the 25th anniversary of a new era in the history of the JINR when a group of independent states entered JINR as its new Member States. Members of the JINR Committee of Plenipotentiaries, representatives of Russian and foreign ministries and departments, ambassadors extraordinary and plenipotentiary and representatives of Embassies of foreign states in the Russian Federation, representatives of numerous media were among the participants of the conference.

  Joint Declaration of participants of the Conference “JINR: 25 years of a new era”

Organization and development purposes

The Institute was established with the aim of uniting the efforts, scientific and material potentials of its Member States for investigations of the fundamental properties of matter. During 60 years JINR has accomplished a wide range of research and trained scientific staff of the highest quality for the Member States. Among them are presidents of the national Academieis of Sciences, leaders of large nuclear institutes and universities in many JINR Member States.

The Institute possesses a mighty basis: traditions of scientific schools acknowledged worldwide; basic facilities with unique capacity to solve challenging tasks in various fields of modern physics; the status of an international intergovernmental organization.

The research policy of JINR is determined by the Scientific Council, which consists of eminent scientists from the Member States as well as famous researchers from China, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Italy, Switzerland, the USA, the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) and others.

The concept of further development of JINR as a multidisciplinary international centre for fundamental research in nuclear physics and related fields of science and technology implies efficient use of the theoretical and experimental results, as well as methods and applied research at JINR in the field of high technology through their application in industrial, medical, and other technical development.

The Institute’s development strategy is detailed in the Seven-Year Plan for the Development of JINR.

A meeting of the JINR Scientific Council

JINR is deve­loping as a large multi­dis­cipli­nary inter­na­ti­onal scien­ti­fic centre incor­po­rating ba­sic re­search in the field of mo­dern nuc­lear physics, develop­ment and ap­plica­tion of high tech­no­logies, and univer­sity edu­cation in the relevant fields of knowledge

The Coun­cil of the Inter­na­tional Union of Pure and Ap­plied Chemis­try (IUPAC) approved the name dubnium for the ele­ment of ato­mic num­ber 105, the name flerovium for the ele­ment 114 in honour of the Labora­tory of Nuc­lear Reac­tions of JINR and the foun­der of FLNR Aca­de­mi­ci­an G.N. Fle­rov, the name mos­co­vi­um for the ele­ment 115 in ho­nor of of the Mos­cow re­gi­on and the an­ci­ent Rus­si­an land that is the home of JINR, and the name oga­nes­son for the ele­ment 118 in ho­nor of Aca­de­mi­ci­an Yuri Oga­nes­sian (FLNR JINR) for his pi­oneer­ing con­tri­bu­ti­ons to tran­sac­ti­noid ele­ments re­search. That de­mon­strates the in­ter­na­ti­onal re­cog­ni­tion of the achi­eve­ments of JINR’s staff of re­search­ers and their con­tri­bu­tion to mo­dern phy­sics and che­mis­try.

Research areas

The main areas of theoretical and experimental research at JINR are Particle Physics, Nuclear Physics and Condensed Matter Physics. The research programme of JINR is aimed at obtaining highly significant results of principal scientific value.

The experimental base of JINR gives the opportunities to conduct not only advanced fundamental research but also applied studies in the field of condensed matter physics, biology, medicine, material sciences, geophysics, engineering diagnostics that are focused at research of structure and properties of nanosystems and new materials, biological objects, at elaboration and development of new electronic, bio- and information technologies.

JINR Flagship Projects eng

JINR Flagship Projects

JINR Laboratories

JINR comprises seven Laboratories: Veksler and Baldin Laboratory of High Energy Physics, Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems, Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics, Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics, Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions, Meshcheryakov Laboratory of Information Technologies, Laboratory of Radiation Biology. Each laboratory being comparable with a large institute in the scale and scope of investigations performed. The Institute employs about 4500 people, including more than 1200 scientists, among whom there are full members and corresponding members of national academies of sciences, more than 260 Doctors of Science and 560 Candidates of Science and about 2000 engineers and technicians.

Scientific research base

The Joint Institute possesses a remarkable choice of experimental facilities for physics: the only in Europe and Asia superconducting accelerator of nuclei and heavy ions – the Nuclotron, heavy ion cyclotrons U-400 and U-400M with record beam parameters for experiments on the synthesis of heavy and exotic ions, a unique neutron pulsed reactor IBR-2 used for research in neutron nuclear physics and condensed matter physics, and a proton accelerator – the Phasotron that is used for ray therapy.

The experimental research programme of JINR bases on the bright school of theoretical physics, well developed methods of the physics experiments, modern information technologies, including grid-technology.

JINR has powerful high-productive computing environment that is integrated into the world computer network through high-speed communication channels. The basis of the computer infrastructure of the Institute is the Central Information Computer Complex (CICC). The JINR GRID-segment developed on its basis is an important element of the RDIG grid-infrastructures (Russian Data Intensive Grid), WLCG (Worldwide LHC Computing Grid) and EGEE (Enabling Grids for E-sciencE).

International cooperation

Wide international cooperation is the major factor in JINR activities. The Institute collaborates with more than 1000 scientific centres and universities in 74 countries of the world. Only in Russia – the largest JINR partner – the cooperation is conducted with over 180 research centres, universities, industrial enterprises and firms from more then 50 Russian cities. Over 280 scientific centres, universities and industrial enterprises from 9 CIS countries take part in the implementation of the scientific programme of the Institute.

JINR possesses the Observer Status in a number of European scientific structures, in particular, in the strategy working group on physical and engineering sciences of the European Stategic Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI). JINR is also a member of the Astroparticle Physics European Consortium (APPEC). Since recently, JINR has had its representative in the Nuclear Physics European Collaboration Committee (NuPECC).

The Institute has accummulated immense experience of mutually beneficial scientific-technical cooperation on the international scale. JINR maintains contacts with IAEA, UNESCO, the European Physical Society, and the International Centre of Theoretical Physics in Trieste. Annually, above a thousand scientists from the organizations which are JINR partners visit Dubna.

Educational activities

JINR has very good educational conditions for talented young scientists. The JINR University Centre annually organizes practical courses at JINR facilities for students from higher education insitutions of Russia and other countries.

Participants of the UC International Student Practice

JINR and CERN organize annual scientific schools for teachers of physics from JINR Member States.

JINR-based Departments of Nuclear Physics, Fundamental Problems of Microworld Physics, Biophysics, Distributed Informational Computing Systems, Nanotechnology and New Materials, Personal Electronics, and Physics and Technology work at Dubna State University. In the academic staff of the University there are leading staff members of JINR, world-known scientists. The educational base of the University develops actively in the sites of JINR.


Each year the Institute assigns more than 1500 scientific papers and reports written by about 3000 authors to the editorial offices of many journals and organizing committees. JINR publications are distributed in more than 50 countries in the world.

Achievements and prospects

40 discoveries in nuclear physics were made in JINR. The programme of studies of superheavy elements deserves special mentioning. Dubna scientists have synthesized new, long-lived superheavy elements with the atomic numbers 113, 114, 115, 116, 117 and 118. The decision of the General Assembly of the International Committee of Pure and Applied Chemistry to award the name “Dubnium” to element 105 of the Mendeleev Periodic Table and the name “Flerovium” to element 114 in honor of the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions of JINR and the founder of FLNR, Academician G. N. Flerov, the name “Moscovium” for the element 115 in honor of the Moscow region and the ancient Russian land that is the home of JINR, and the name “Oganesson” for the element 118 in honor of Scientific Leader of the FLNR JINR, Academician Yuri Oganessian for his pioneering contributions to transactinoid elements research. That demonstrates the international recognition of the achievements of JINR’s staff of researchers and their contribution to modern physics and chemistry. demonstrates the international recognition of the achievements of JINR’s staff of researchers and their contribution to modern physics and chemistry. These challenging discoveries crowned 35 years of efforts taken by scientists from different countries in the search for the “stability island” of superheavy nuclei.

10 new elements have been discovered at JINR over the past 60 years

For over 20 years, JINR has been participating in the accomplishment of the programme to establish an innovation “belt” around Dubna. In 2005 the RF government signed the Resolution “On the establishment of a special economic zone of the technical-innovation type in the territory of the Dubna city”. The specific character of JINR has been reflected in the aims of the Special Economic Zone (SEZ): nuclear physics and information technologies.

In modern conditions the Institute aims to consolidate and develop its key positions. Fundamental science, innovations and educational activities are the basis for it. The activities in upgrading of the existing facilities and construction of new basic machines at JINR, “home” experiments and involvement in large international partnership programmes with CERN (Switzerland), GSI (Germany), FNAL and BNL (USA) and other scientific centres have high priority.

The acti­vi­ties of JINR in Russia are regu­lated in accor­dance with the Fede­ral Law “On the ratifi­cation of the Agree­ment bet­ween the Govern­ment of the Rus­sian Fede­ration and the Joint Insti­tute for Nuc­lear Re­search on the Loca­tion and Terms of Acti­vity of the Joint Insti­tute for Nuc­lear Re­search in the Rus­sian Fede­ration”