Organization, 28 December 2014

Dear colleagues and friends, There are just a few days left on the calendar before the new 2015 year. Looking back, we see that the JINR staff has achieved a lot in the expiring 2014. At the November meeting of the Committee of Plenipotentiaries of the JINR Member States high marks of scientific significance and promising outlook of projects that our international team is involved in were voiced, significant efforts in achieving brilliant scientific results and enhancement of international scientific cooperation were marked.First of all, it concerns efforts on the NICA project which is being developed with a tremendous speed and expanding in many directions: mass production of the key elements of large cryogenic systems, as well as of the injector and the booster which is on fast-forward, the first lots of equipment have already been delivered to Dubna, preparation for full-scale construction work was started – all of this is being developed in close partnership with many countries who help us create the unique scientific equipment. The same can be said about development of the factory of super heavy elements, further promotion of the DRIBs-III project which involves companies and organizations of JINR Member States as well as of other developed countries. We are actively developing our scientific relations with China, India, France, Brazil, Argentina, Montenegro – the countries wishing to take their relationship with JINR to a new serious level. Memorandums of cooperation and contracts were signed; exchange of scientists and specialists is being activated. JINR received the official observer status at CERN, and CERN became an observer at JINR. The Joint Institute for Nuclear Research was admitted to the Nuclear Physics European Collaboration Committee NuPECC. We are completing the fifth year of the Seven-Year Plan for the Development of JINR, and looking back at the distance covered, we can see how much has already been done, and we can clearly estimate what still lies ahead. I want to express confidence that the JINR staff will make every effort to achieve no less success in 2015. And to do this we all need not only a high level of professionalism, but also the ability to focus on the main goals in science, education, innovation, as well as in improvement of scientific and social infrastructure without which there is no further progress. Less than two years remain before the 60th anniversary of foundation of “our Institute, our home on the banks of the Volga” as JINR often is being called by colleagues from the JINR Member States, whose lives for many years have been associated with Dubna. We start preparation for this anniversary with clear understanding that the milestone anniversary of foundation of JINR should be a trigger to strengthen JINR prestige in the international scientific community and further consolidation of all generations of JINR employees to achieve common goals. On the eve of the bright New Year holidays on behalf of the JINR Directorate, I wish all JINR staff members and their families, all residents of our science city new success, prosperity, optimism and happiness!  
Victor Matveev, Director of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research