JINR Offices and Departments


JINR Director Office

More information

JINR Director Office includes:

International Cooperation Advisor to JINR Director
Irek T. Suleymanov, suleymanov@jinr.ru, ph. +7 (496) 216-22-09

Assistant Secretary
Marina V. Studyonova, director@jinr.ru, studenova@jinr.ru, ph. +7 (496) 216-59-89

Daria S. Rumyantseva, rumyantceva@jinr.ru, ph. +7 (496) 216-22-62



International Cooperation Advisor to JINR Director



ph.: +7 (496) 216-22-09

e-mail: suleymanov@jinr.ru


Budget and Economic Policy Department

Functions of the Department in the fields of the budget and economic policy are the following: the Department prepares the Institute’s budget projects and offers amendments to them, defines the scale of contributions, and drafts other documents for the Finance Committee and the Committee of Plenipotentiaries of the Governments of the JINR Member States. The Department also provides required information for management decisions, financially assesses the staff’s expenses and expenses for near and distant future. The Department distributes the budget expenses throughout a year to finance operations of different departments. The Department includes the Financial Planning Department and the Contract Department.

More information

Head of the Budget and Economic Policy Department
Nikolay V. Kalinin, nvkalinin@jinr.ru
+7 (496) 216-21-85

Structure of Department

Financial Planning Department
Head: Liubov V. Uvarova,
+7 (496) 216-50-67

Contract Department
Head: Roman V. Naumenko,
+7 (496) 216-28-85


Nikolay V. KALININ

Head of the Budget and Economic Policy Department



ph.: +7 (496) 216-21-85

e-mail: nvkalinin@jinr.ru


Human Resources and Records Management Department (HRRMD)

The main goals of the Department are as follows: effective selection, placement, and training of the personnel in accordance with the objectives of the Institute; HR documentation handling; health and retirement insurance for employees; monitoring of compliance with the labour laws and internal regulations. In the fields of labour and wages issues: development of labour and wages systems and forms; improvement of the JINR structure, development of staff schedules of the Institute’s departments and offices; development of regulations on JINR offices and departments and job descriptions of JINR staff members. In terms of the document support, the Department is responsible for paperwork management at JINR. The Department includes Labour & Wages Office, Personnel Office, and Secretariat.

More information

Alexander Y. Verkheev, verkheev@jinr.ru, ph. +7 (496) 216-56-30

HRRMD Deputy Head
Natalia A. Lenskaya,
ph. +7 (496) 216-73-96

Administrative assistant
Natalia V. Plyashkevich,
ph. +7 (496) 216-56-30

Structure of Department

Labour & Wages Office
Head: Galina G. Sustina, sustina@jinr.ru,
ph. +7 (496) 216-23-46

Personnel Office
Head: Sergey V. Bobrov, bobrov@jinr.ru,
ph. +7 (496) 216-44-96

Head: Svetlana N. Chikhalina,
ph. +7 (496) 216-50-59


Alexander Y. VERKHEEV




ph.: +7 (496) 216-56-30

e-mail: verkheev@jinr.ru


International Cooperation Department

The Department coordinates and develops international cooperation of the Joint Institute, organizes work of the JINR Visit Centre so that to help specialists from different countries coming to the Institute. The Department controls the protocol service, organization and holding of JINR international conferences. It coordinates interaction of the JINR Member States.

More information

Head of International Cooperation Department
Otilia-Ana Culicov, otiliaculicov@jinr.ru, ph. +7 (496) 216-58-39

Deputy Head of International Cooperation Department
Elena A. Badawy, badawy@jinr.ru, ph. +7 (496) 216-37-25

Deputy Head of International Cooperation Department
Anna A. Kotova, akotova@jinr.ru, ph. +7 (496) 216-51-21

Structure of Department

Protocol Group
Head: Tatiana V. Keselis, protocol@jinr.ru,
ph. +7 (496) 216-31-06


Otilia-Ana CULICOV

Head of International Cooperation Department



ph.: +7 (496) 216-58-39

e-mail: otiliaculicov@jinr.ru


Development of Digital Services Department (DDSD)

The Department includes the Office of Support and Development of Digital Services, the Procurement and Logistics Service, and the Information and Technical Support Group.

More information

Head of Development of Digital Services Department
Mikhail P. Vasiliev, mpv@jinr.ru
ph. +7 (496) 216-26-00

Structure of Department:

Office of Support and Development of Digital Services
Head: Alexey V. Sheiko, alexei@jinr.ru

Procurement and Logistics Service
Head: Valery V. Ivanov, vivanov@jinr.ru, ph. +7 (496) 216-55-88

Information and Technical Support Group
Head: Alexander V. Yanin, yanin@jinr.int






ph.: +7 (496) 216-26-00

e-mail: mpv@jinr.ru


Department of Science Organization Activities (DSOA)

In 2006, by the decision of the Directorate of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, the Science Organization & International Cooperation Office was established that included 11 departments ensuring science organizational and international activities of the Institute. Since August 2021, the Office has been reorganized into the Department of Science Organization Activities and the Department of International Cooperation. The Department includes the Administration Group, the Topical Plan Support and Draft Group, the Expert and Analytical Group.

More information


JINR Chief Scientific Secretary, Head of Department of Science Organization Activities
Sergey N. Nedelko, main@jinr.ru, ph. +7 (496) 216-22-21

Deputy Head of Department of Science Organization Activities
Norbert Kučerka, kucerka@nf.jinr.ru; kucerka@jinr.ru, +7 (496) 216-20-95, +7 (496) 216-64-67

Structure of Department


Sergey N. Nedelko

JINR Chief Scientific Secretary,

Sergey N. Nedelko


ph.: +7 (496) 216-22-21, 216-53-53
fax: +7 (496) 216-59-92

e-mail: main@jinr.ru


Accounts Department

The JINR Accounts Department performs the following functions related to accounting: keeps record of all transactions, liabilities, payment of bills and payroll; it prepares regular financial statements; it provides internal and external users with financial information required for decision making. In the fields of assets keeping, it provides necessary relationships with banks and other financial institutions related with the receipt and use of JINR assets. The Department consists of five groups: the Group of Tax Control & Tax and Inventories Accounts, the Group of R&D and Free Balance Accounts, the Group for Settlements with Suppliers, Contractors and Other Organizations, the Financial Operations Group, and the Wages Group.

More information


JINR Chief Accountant
Evgenia G. Kuteinikova, jenni@jinr.ru, ph. +7 (496) 216-22-10

JINR Deputy Chief Accountant
Ekaterina V. Voronenko, evoron@jinr.ru, ph. +7 (496) 216-42-54

JINR Deputy Chief Accountant
Tatiana B. Naumenko, @jinr.ru, ph. +7 (496) 216-50-55

JINR Deputy Chief Accountant
Natalia A. Nikishina, nikishina@jinr.ru, ph. +7 (496) 216-22-20


  • Group of Tax Control, Accounting Reporting, and Methodology
  • Group of Accounting for Fixed Assets, Intangible Assets, and Inventories
  • R&D and Free Balance Group
  • Group for Settlements with Suppliers, Contractors and Other Organizations
  • Financial Operations Group
  • Wages Group



JINR Chief Accountant



ph.: +7 (496) 216-22-10

e-mail: jenni@jinr.ru


Legal Department

The main tasks of the Legal Department are the following: legal protection of JINR interests; monitoring of compliance with international laws and laws of the Russian Federation in relation to the Institute, regulations by the Committee of Plenipotentiaries of JINR Member States, and local regulations of JINR; participation in contractual and dispute settlement work and legal proceedings.

More information


Head of Legal Department
Anton Yu. Kharevich, kharevich@jinr.ru, ph. +7 (496) 216-57-87

Deputy Head of Legal Department
Liudmila B. Boriskina, @jinr.ru, ph. +7 (496) 216-57-70



Head of JINR Legal Department


ph.: +7 (496) 216-57-87

e-mail: kharevich@jinr.ru


Internal Audit Service

The Internal Audit Service (IAS) performs internal auditing at the Institute on the basis of the Regulation on the Internal Audit at JINR in order to assist the Director of JINR in the performance of the responsibilities for ensuring the effective management and control of financial and material resources, and the fulfillment of the Institute’s tasks, in accordance with the Charter and Financial Regulations of JINR and the legislation of the Russian Federation.

More information

Heads of Internal Audit Service

Director Olga V. Kapuskina, kapuskinaov@jinr.ru, +7 (496) 216-21-86

  Regulation on the Internal Audit at JINR

IAS performs internal auditing at the Institute in the form of scheduled and unscheduled inspections of financial and economic activities of JINR, as well as other tasks by order of the Director of JINR.

The objectives of internal auditing at JINR are:

  • to provide the Director of JINR with independent and objective information about financial and economic activities of the offices and departments of the Institute;
  • to provide advice and recommendations upon request of the Director or a structural unit of JINR in order to avoid possible breakdowns and drawbacks in work.

The tasks of internal auditing at JINR are:

  • to plan, organize and conduct independent inspections of:
    • reliability of financial and management information;
    • compliance with the legislation applicable to the activities of the Institute and the local regulations of JINR;
    • preservation of assets;
    • efficiency of resource conservation;
    • management efficiency at JINR;
    • risks in the financial and economic activities of the Institute;
    • implementation of the approved plans and achievement of the target goals.
  • to monitor the actions implemented to eliminate the drawbacks identified by internal auditing.



IAS Director


ph.: +7 (496) 216-21-86

e-mail: kapuskinaov@jinr.ru


JINR Chief Engineer’s Office

The JINR Chief Engineer’s Office (JINR CE Office) provides continuous functioning of the elements of the JINR engineering infrastructure. The latter includes the systems supplying electricity, heating, hot and cold water, and liquid nitrogen, as well as the cooling and sewerage systems, and communication and safety facilities. The CE Office includes the Civil Defence Headquarters, the Power & Mechanical and Metrological Bureau, the Radioactive and Fissile Materials Department, the Radiation Safety Department, the Production Control and Technical Supervision Group, the Licensing and Intellectual Property Department, and the JINR Licensed Activities Support Group.

More information

Heads of Chief Engineer’s Office

JINR Chief Engineer
Boris N. Gikal, gikal@jinr.ru, ph. +7 (496) 216-51-36

JINR Deputy Chief Engineer for Nuclear and Radiation Safety
Alexander V. Vinogradov, alvin@nf.jinr.ru, ph. +7 (496) 216-51-86

JINR Deputy Chief Engineer
Andrey V. Dudarev, dudarev@jinr.ru, ph. +7 (496) 216-57-27

JINR Assistant Chief Engineer
Stepan G. Shirkov, stepanshirkov@jinr.ru, ph. +7 (496) 216-27-34

JINR Assistant Chief Engineer
Evgeny D. Uglov, uglov@jinr.ru, ph. +7 (496) 216-20-22

JINR Assistant Chief Engineer
Sergey L. Yakovenko, yakoven@jinr.ru, ph. +7 (496) 216-33-91/6-33-70

JINR Assistant Chief Engineer
Yulia N. Posadneva, posadneva@jinr.ru, тел. +7 (496) 216-33-70

Administrative assistant
Tatiana N. Tsar, mary@jinr.ru, ph. +7 (496) 216-26-37

Evgeniya N. Tumakova, ph. +7 (496) 216-33-70

JINR Chief Engineer’s Office

Civil Defence Headquarters
Head: Andrey P. Kuznetsov, chtabGO@jinr.ru, ph. +7 (496) 216-21-71

Radioactive and Fissile Materials Department
Head: Andrey V. Smirnov, smirnov46179@jinr.ru, ph. +7 (496) 216-37-39

Radiation Safety Department
Head: Vladimir N. Buchnev, buchnev@jinr.ru, ph. +7 (496) 216-57-94

Labour Protection Department
Head: Vladimir K. Pyataev, pvk@jinr.ru

Production Control and Technical Supervision Group
Head: Vladislav N. Peltikhin, pvn@jinr.ru, ph. +7 (496) 216-43-68

Innovations and Intellectual Property Department
Head: Igor F. Lensky, golovkov@jinr.ru, ph. +7 (496) 216-58-62/216-29-90

Power & Mechanical and Metrological Bureau
Chief metrologist: Alexander N. Parfenov, parfenov@jinr.ru, ph. +7 (496) 216-56-00

JINR Licensed Activities Support Group
Head: Stepan G. Shirkov, stepanshirkov@jinr.ru, ph. +7 (496) 216-27-34/6-27-35


Boris N. GIKAL

JINR Chief Engineer



ph.: +7 (496) 216-51-36, 216-22-37, 216-26-37

fax: +7 (496) 216-53-79,
+7 (495) 632-78-80

e-mail: gikal@jinr.ru


Chief Scientific Secretary Office

The Chief Scientific Secretary Office controls the International Conference Centre, the JINR Scientists’ Club, the Museum of History of Science and Technology of JINR, the Scientific Information Department, the Science and Technology Library, the Automated Management Information Systems Department, the Publishing Department, the Editorial Offices of the Journal “Physics of Elementary Particles and Atomic Nuclei” (PEPAN) and the Weekly Newspaper “Dubna: Science, Cooperation, Progress”.

More information

Head of CSS Office

The Head of CSS Office is JINR Chief Scientific Secretary
Sergey N. Nedelko, main@jinr.ru, ph.: +7 (496) 216-22-21/216-53-53, fax: +7 (496) 216-59-92

The Deputy Chief Scientific Secretary
Alexey S. Zhemchugov, zhemchugov@jinr.ru, ph. +7 (496) 216-20-14

Departments of CSS Office

Communications and Information Support Department (JINR Press Office)
Head of JINR Press Office: Natalia V. Zaikina, Press Secretary of JINR, zaikinanv@jinr.ru, ph. +7 (496) 216-55-05

Science and Technology Library
Director: Elena V. Ivanova, library@jinr.ru, ph. +7 (496) 216-22-35/216-53-44

Publishing Department
Head: Anastasia N. Shabashova, shabashova@jinr.ru, ph. +7 (496) 216-58-34

International Conference Centre
ICH Director: Marina N. Sidorchuk, mnsidorchuk@jinr.ru, ph. +7 (496) 216-51-44

JINR Scientists’ Club
Director: Marina D. Kriukova, marina@jinr.ru,

Editorial Office, Weekly Newspaper “Dubna: Science, Cooperation, Progress”
Editor-in-Chief: Evgeny M. Molchanov, dnsp@dubna.ru, ph. +7 (496) 216-22-00/216-51-84

Editorial Office, Journal “Physics of Elementary Particles and Atomic Nuclei” (PEPAN)
Editor-in-Chief: JINR Scientific Leader Victor A. Matveev, pepan@jinr.ru

Museum of History of Science and Technology of JINR
Director: Nadezhda S. Kavalerova, kavalerova@mail.ru



JINR Chief Scientific Secretary,
CSS Office Head



ph.: +7 (496) 216-22-21, 216-53-53
fax: +7 (496) 216-59-92

e-mail: main@jinr.ru


Property Complex Development Department

The Property Complex Development Department (PCDD) includes the Administration Group, Accounting and Real Property Management Group, Planning and Repair Control Office, Maintainance Office, Maintenance Group of the DLNP Technological Site, Project Office for Building Repairs and Renovation, and Tourist Base “Lipnya”.

More information


Sergey V. Sokolov, svsokolov@jinr.ru, ph. +7 (496) 216-24-51

Deputy Head
Alexander A. Broun, brun@jinr.ru, ph. +7 (496) 216-54-85/216-46-58

PCDD structure

Administration Group

Accounting and Real Property Management Group

Planning and Repair Control Office
Evgeny I. Karpov

Maintainance Office
Tatiana V. Ivanova

Maintenance Group of the DLNP Technological Site
Anatoly V. Kravchuk

Project Office for Building Repairs and Renovation
Liudmila V. Stroganova

Tourist Base “Lipnya”
Igor V. Chernetsky






ph.: +7 (496) 216-24-51

e-mail: svsokolov@jinr.ru


Capital Construction Department (CCD)

More information


Head: Leonid I. Tikhomirov, tihom@jinr.ru, ph. +7 (496) 216-75-18



CCD Head



ph.: +7 (496) 216-75-18

e-mail: tihom@jinr.ru


Self-accounting Units

The Self-accounting Units of JINR include the Social Infrastructure Management Office (the JINR Sports complex, the JINR Cultural Centre “Mir”, the Universal Public Library of JINR, and the Recreation Centre “Volga”), the JINR Chief Engineer’s Office, the Hotel & Restaurant Complex Management Office (comprises the Hotel “Dubna” (Building 1 and Building 3), the Resort Hotel “Ratmino”, the restaurant complex, the canteen & cafeteria complex, JINR-owned apartments and hostels, garages), the JINR Resort Hotel “Dubna” (Alushta), the Fire Automatic Service, the Technical Communication Service, the Instrument Maintenance Department, the Repair and Construction Site, and the Motor Transport Service.


Social Infrastructure Management Office

Director of the SIM Office: Andrey V. Tamonov, usi@jinr.ru,
ph. +7 (496) 216-58-33/216-50-66

The Social Infrastructure Management Office of JINR provides the Institute staff members and their families with an opportunity to do favourite sports and hobbies and to hold cultural and sports events on the basis of its facilities

More information

Social Infrastructure Management Office is a self-supporting unit, its main objectives are:

  1. to provide JINR staff members and their families with favourable environment for physical training and sports, cultural and intellectual development, leisure and recreation, holding seminars and conferences, development of amateur folk arts and professional skills in all fields of culture and sport.
  2. to render the services that involve holding cultural, sports, educational, scientific, and other events, organizing leisure and recreation, and other activities not prohibited by the applicable law to JINR staff members and their families, as well as to other individuals and organizations.

Nowadays, organizing leisure and recreation for the employees and their families is an important element of social policy of the largest scientific and educational centres of the world. In the face of fierce competition for highly qualified personnel, a favourable environment must be created for the scientists coming from all over the world, thus making their lives away from home eventful and productive.

Social infrastructure of JINR comprises the following objects:

Today, the following clubs work on a regular basis:


  • Swimming
  • Football
  • Volleyball
  • Basketball
  • Tennis
  • Skiing
  • Chess
  • Ping-pong (table tennis)
  • Climbing
  • Gorodki (Russian folk sport similar to bowling or skittles)
  • Archery
  • Rhythmic gymnastics
  • Artistic gymnastics
  • Weightlifting
  • Water aerobics
  • Yachting
  • Billiards
  • Kendo (Japanese martial art using bamboo swords and protective armour)
  • Fitness equipment
  • Ice skates
  • Sports equipment rental
  • Saunas


  • Ballet studio “Fantasia”
  • Ballet studio “Ballet of Dubna”
  • Choir “Bel Canto”
  • Choir “Credo”
  • Ballroom dancing studio “Sunrise”
  • Rock band “RO-7”
  • Theatre studio
  • Photoclub “Focus”
  • Folk group “Metelitsa”
  • Spanish dancing studio “Flamenco”
  • Hustle dancing studio
  • Oriental dancing studio
  • Poetry club
  • Book club
  • Children’s book club “Pochitayka”
  • Non-fiction book club “Kurilka Gutenberga/Gutenberg’s smoking room”
  • Popular science lectures
  • Public discussions “Anti-lecture”
  • Coworking “Neutrino”



Head of SIM Office



ph.: +7 (496) 216-58-33, 216-50-66

e-mail: usi@jinr.ru


Hotel and Restaurant Complex Management Office

Head: Inna A. Evensaper, evensaper@jinr.ru, ph.: +7 (496) 216-57-90

Deputy Head: Alina O. Stanishevskaya, stanishevskaya@jinr.ru,
ph.: +7 (496) 214-69-77

The HRCM Office of JINR comprises the Hotel “Dubna” (Building 1, Building 3, and Building 4), the Resort Hotel “Ratmino”, the restaurant complex, the canteen & cafeteria complex, JINR-owned apartments and hostels, garages.

More information

Structure of HRCM Office:

Hotels Management Department
Deputy Head of HRCM Office: Alina O. Stanishevskaya, stanishevskaya@jinr.ru

Public Catering and Trade Department

Chief Engineer’s Department
Chief Engineer: Tatiana A. Klimenko, ogigrk@dubna.ru, ph. +7 (496) 216-42-63

Hotel “Dubna” (Building 1)
Deputy Director: Irina A. Golubeva, hotel1@jinr.ru, +7 (496) 216-53-36

Hotel “Dubna” (Buildings 3 and 4)
Deputy Director: Elena N. Krakhotina, hotel3@jinr.ru, +7 (496) 216-60-47

Resort Hotel “Ratmino”
Head: Alla V. Shibanova, ratmino@jinr.ru, +7 (496) 216-63-52

Restaurant complex “Dubna”
Director: Olga B. Dmitrieva, rest@jinr.ru, + 7 (916) 718-62-82

Canteen complex
Director: Valentina I. Polushkevich, vip@jinr.ru, + 7 (496) 216-32-15

The Hotel and Restaurant Complex Management Office of JINR is a structural unit of the Institute. The main idea of the HRCM Office is to provide high-quality service for the employees and visitors of JINR staying in the apartments, hostels, and hotels; including catering, leisure, and entertainment organization.

Infrastructure attached to the Office:

  • administrative building on 6, Veksler str. (former Hotel “Dubna”, Building 2, grk@dubna.ru);
  • building on 8 Veksler str. (Hotel “Dubna”, Building 1, restaurant, cafe-bar and a summer café “Dubna”, hotel1@jinr.ru);
  • building on 2, Moskovskaya str. (Hotel-hostel “Dubna”, Building 3, and Baryon Restaurant, hotel3@jinr.ru);
  • apartments owned by the Institute and located on 8, Stroiteley str., in the second section of building 2 on 16, Bogoliubov str., and in different parts of the Dubna right bank;
  • hostel on 10, Leningradskaya str.;
  • Resort Hotel “Ratmino”, ratmino@jinr.ru;
  • cafe of the JINR Scientists’ Club;
  • canteens, cafeterias, and cafes at the JINR sites;
  • JINR garages at the stadium “Nauka” and the vehicle service station.

The address of the Hotel and Restaurant Complex Management Office: 141980, Moscow region, Dubna, 6, Veksler str., ph. +7 (496) 216-46-40, fax +7(496) 216-51-32, e-mail: grk@jinr.ru.


Inna A. Evensaper

Head of HRCM Office



ph.: +7 (496) 216-57-90

e-mail: evensaper@jinr.ru


Chief Power Engineer’s Department

Chief Power Engineer of the Institute Igor V. Koshelev, oge-dubna@mail.ru,
ph. +7 (496) 216-71-58

More information

  • Management of Chief Power Engineer’s Department;
  • Repair and Engineering Shop;
  • Water Supply Operation Shop;
  • Boiler Shop;
  • Electrical Maintenance;
  • Nitrogen Shop.

Motor Transport Service

Head of Motor Transport Service: Victor V. Zhuravlev, atx@jinr.ru,
ph. +7 (496) 214-63-98


Fire Automatic Service
Head: Vladimir V. Zuzin, zuzin@jinr.ru,
ph. +7 (496) 216-39-40

Technical Communication Service
Head: Alexey V. Chepigin, dvlab@jinr.ru,
ph. +7 (496) 216-21-80

Instrument Maintenance Department
Head: Vladimir A. Karamyshev, karam@jinr.ru,
ph. +7 (496) 216-49-06

Repair and Construction Site

Chief Engineer of the Site: Oleg V. Tugolukov, tugolukov@jinr.ru,
ph. +7 (496) 216-71-81

Scientific and Administrative Division

  • Scientific and Administrative Division “Phasotron Department” (DLNP)
    Head: Gennady V. Mitsyn, ph. +7 (496) 216-45-66;
  • Scientific and Administrative Division “Centre of Applied Physics” (FLNR)
    Head: Pavel Yu. Apel, ph. +7 (496) 216-35-44.