Numerical and analytical calculations of the normalized Mott cross section, as well as of the Mott−Bloch and Lindhard−Sørensen corrections to the Bethe formula at moderately relativistic energies
Laboratory of Information Technologies
Date and Time: Friday, 14 August 2020, at 3:00 PM
Venue: Laboratory of Information Technologies, Online seminar via Zoom
Seminar topic: «Numerical and analytical calculations of the normalized Mott cross section, as well as of the Mott−Bloch and Lindhard−Sørensen corrections to the Bethe formula at moderately relativistic energies»
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Conference ID: 578 220 5254
Code: 6uBPFH
Authors: P.B. Kats*, K.V. Halenka*, O.O. Voskresenskaya**
*Brest State A.S. Pushkin University, Belarus
**Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia
The report presents the results of numerical and analytical calculations of the normalized Mott scattering cross section using a number of earlier methods and a method proposed by the authors of this work. It is demonstrated that applying the given method, along with the method of Lijian et al., is preferable for relevant calculations. The results of the numerical calculation of the Lindhard−Sørensen correction and the total Mott−Bloch correction to the Bethe stopping formula for heavy ion ionization energy losses, which was obtained by three different methods, are also presented for the ranges of a gamma factor of approximately 1 ≲ γ ≲ 10 and the ion nuclear charge number 6 ≤ Z ≤ 114. It is shown that the accurate calculation of the Mott−Bloch corrections based on the “Mott exact cross section” using a method previously proposed by one of the authors gives excellent agreement between its values and the values of the Lindhard−Sørensen corrections in the γ and Z ranges under consideration. In addition, it is demonstrated that the results of stopping power calculations obtained by the two above-mentioned rigorous methods coincide with each other up to the seventh significant digit and provide the best agreement with experimental data in contrast to the results of some approximate methods, such as the methods of Ahlen, Jackson−McCarthy, etc.