Anomalous axial current from covariant Wigner function and thermodynamic equilibrium density operator
Seminar on Theory of hadronic matter under extreme conditions
Date and Time: Wednesday, 4 April 2018, at 4:00 PM
Venue: Blokhintsev Hall (4th floor), Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics
Seminar topic: “Anomalous axial current from covariant Wigner function and thermodynamic equilibrium density operator”
Authors: G. Prokhorov, O. Teryaev
Speaker: G. Prokhorov (BLTP JINR)
We considered a rotating and accelerated moving medium consisting of weakly interacting fermions in a state of local thermodynamic equilibrium based on two different approaches. In the first of the approaches, the properties of such a medium are described using the covariant Wigner function. We derived a formula for the axial current outside the perturbation theory, leading to a Chiral vortical effect in the limiting case. It is shown that in the limit of massless fermions the terms of higher orders in the thermal vorticity tensor are mutually compensated. In order to verify the results obtained, a second approach to the calculation of the axial current was used, based on the quantum density functional for a medium with rotation and acceleration. Carrying out the calculation of thermodynamic averages in the framework of quantum field theory at finite temperatures in the third order of perturbation theory, we obtained the mean values of the axial and vector currents. A generalization is made to the case of a nonzero axial chemical potential. The results obtained with the help of the Wigner function and the density operator are compared with each other and with the consequences of other approaches, such as effective field theory with axial anomalies. Based on the obtained formulas for the axial current, the correspondence of various approaches to the calculation of polarization of baryons is justified.