Modern Trends in General and Space Radiobiology
News, 11 October 2017
A two-day International Conference “Modern Trends in General and Space Radiobiology” will be started tomorrow, on 12 October 2017 in the International Conference Hall in Dubna.
The organizers of the Conference are the Laboratory of Radiation Biology JINR (LRB), the Scientific Council on Radiobiology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) and the RAS Radiobiological Society.
The main topics of the Conference will be as follows:
- Formation of molecular-genetic, molecular, and cellular damage under exposure to ionizing radiations with different physical characteristics.
- Induction and repair of genetic damage in highly differentiated elements of the nervous system.
- Response of highly differentiated cell systems (the retina and CNS structures) to radiation exposure.
- Animals’ cognitive functions and their neurochemical and neurophysiological correlates under exposure to radiation and other physical factors.
Programme of the Conference (Rus)
The main fields of modern radiation and space biology research include regularities and mechanisms of molecular disorders in the genetic structures of mammalian and human cells; mutation formation; neuroregulatory effects; molecular and cytogenetic disorders in different organism’s tissues; radiation damage to the central nervous system (CNS), and, as a consequence, cognitive function disorders induced by ionizing radiations of different quality. The radiation effects on the CNS is an increasingly urgent topic from the perspective of the future deep space flights. At the conference, modern data will be presented on the mechanisms of the development of the cellular, molecular, and genetic changes in mammalian and human cells under exposure to radiations with different physical characteristics as well as consequences of these changes. Results will be considered of research on the response of different CNS structures to radiation exposure determining the specifics of the cognitive and behavioral functions in laboratory animals.
Article of the JINR Weekly Newspaper about the past Conference (Rus)