Compact Stars in BLTP
News, 26 September 2017
The International Meeting «Compact Stars in the QCD Phase Diagram VI» was started today in the Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics. This Meeting has been held annually around the world and this year Russia via JINR hosts the Meeting for the first time.
The specificity of the Meeting’s topics determined the small number of participants with their wide geography. The experts that are not so numerous around the world came from Armenia, Belarus, Brazil, China, Croatia, Germany, Hungary, India, Japan, Poland, Russia, and South Africa to participate in the Meeting.
The aim of the Meeting is to bring together expertise in fields of the heavy-ion collisions, QCD phase diagram, Compact Stars and related phenomena.
The Meeting will cover the following main topics:
- QCD phase diagram for HIC vs. astrophysics
- Quark deconfinement in HIC vs. supernovae, neutron stars and their mergers
- Strangeness in HIC and in compact stars
- Equation of state and QCD phase transitions