Helmholtz Summer School
News, 18 August 2017
The Helmholtz International Summer School «Lattice QCD, Hadron Stucture and Hadronic Matter» will start on 20 August 2017 at the Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics. The School is organized jointly by the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research and the Helmholtz Association (Germany) in the frames of the DIAS-TH educational programme.
15 lecturers and 40 students from Azerbaijan, Brazil, Canada, China, Germany, Hungary, India, Italy, Poland, Russia, Switzerland and the United Kingdom participate in the School. Besides lectures, the School programme includes evening discussion sessions for detailed analysis of questions raised by students, presentations prepared by students, a poster session and an excursion to the JINR basic facilities.
The School covers the following topics: Hadron structure, Hadron spectroscopy, Introduction to lattice gauge theory, Non-zero temperature and baryon number density, Chiral perturbation theory, External field and vorticity effects, Non-QCD applications of lattice gauge theory, Holographic QCD, Heavy ion physics. The detailed programme can be found on on a website of the the School.
The extensive scientific programme will be supplemented by the Saturday excursion trip to Alexandrovskaya Sloboda – the ancient Russian fortress that used to be the royal residence under the Tsar Ivan the Terrible in 16th century. A barbecue party in nature will be organized on Sunday, where participants can have a rest and informal discussions.
The School will last for two weeks and will be closed on 2 September.