Summer meeting of the PAC for Condensed Matter Physics
Organization, 16 June 2017
The 46th regular meeting of the Programme Advisory Committee for Condensed Matter Physics will be held on 19-20 June 2017 under the chairmanship of Dénes Lajos Nagy in the International Conference Hall, Dubna.
The PAC CMP will consider the work plan for the development of a concept for JINR’s new neutron source (report by A. Vinogradov) and user demands on the parameters of a future neutron source at JINR (N. Kučerka). D.P. Kozlenko, M.V. Avdeev, S.A. Kulikov, G.M. Arzumanyan, E.A. Krasavin, A.S. Zhemchugov, P. Horodek will present their reports and proposals on concluding themes and projects.
Scientific reports will be presented by E.A. Kochetov – “Fermi surface reconstruction in underdoped cuprates”, S.E. Kichanov – “Magnetic phenomena in intermetallic compounds RCo2: studies of the limits of the itinerant electron metamagnetism concept”, R.A. Rymzhanov – “Simulation of damage threshold and structure in swift heavy-ion tracks in Al2O3“.