News, 27 December 2016
Dear colleagues and friends, JINR staff members,
On the eve of the New Year, concluding 2016 we have things to remember and things to be proud of. We are summing up the results not only of the expiring year but also state the implementation of the eventful and intense Seven-year programme of development of the Institute. The new Seven-year Plan for the development of JINR 2017-2023 was approved and adopted by all Member States of our prestigious international scientific centre. Our cooperation with leading research centers of the world is becoming stronger and more extensive. An outstanding milestone in the life of our Institute, all employees, our colleagues and cooperation partners was the celebration of the 60th anniversary of JINR’s Foundation which was festively commemorated in Dubna and in the JINR Member States. A new Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and JINR which gave impetus to the implementation of the mega-science project NICA Collider was signed. In these December days, three new elements of the Mendeleev Periodic Table which were discovered at JINR were inaugurated in a festive atmosphere in the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions. All this gives us good reasons to look into the future with confidence. Our close joint laborious efforts are the key to our new success and achievements.
Happy New year, dear colleagues! I wish you and your close ones health, new success and prosperity in 2017!
Victor Matveev,
Director of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research