FLNR Science and Technology Council
Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions
Date and Time: Wednesday, 5 March 2025, at 11:00 AM
Venue: Conference Hall, Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions
Science and Technology Council of the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions #9
- Elections for the vacant position of a junior researcher at the Sector No. 1 of Synthesis and Properties of Superheavy Nuclei.
Applicant: Dastan Ibadullayev - Elections for the vacant position of a junior researcher at the Sector No. 4 of Mass-Spectrometry and Laser Spectroscopy of Heavy and Superheavy Nuclides.
Applicant: Alena Kohoutova. - Elections for the vacant position of a researcher at the Sector No. 6 of Structure of Light Exotic Nuclei.
Applicant: Alexander G. Knyazev. - Elections for the vacant position of a senior researcher at the Sector No. 8 of Ion-Implantation Nanotechnology and Radiation Material Science.
Applicant: Arnoux Rossouw. - Elections for the vacant position of a researcher at Radiation Physics Group of the Sector No. 8 of Ion-Implantation Nanotechnology and Radiation Material Science.
Applicant: Vera K. Semina. - Miscellaneous.
Speaker: Sergey I. Sidorchuk.