Device for producing material for cryogenic neutron moderators

News, 21 January 2025

We offer to your attention a preprint entitled “Operating principles of a device for producing dispersed moderating material in the form of balls for cryogenic neutron moderators” P18-2024-60, issued by the JINR Publishing Department. The authors are Ivan Litvak, Maksim Bulavin, Roman Chepurchenko, and Aleksey Galushko, researchers of the Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics at JINR.

Manifestation of plasticity and high adhesion when heating a frozen ball of mesitylene-m-xylene mixture: a) ball at 80 K; b) plastic deformation of the ball when pressed by tweezers; c) adhesion of the ball to the tweezers

The study focused on the main physical effects occurring during the production of dispersed moderating substance for cryogenic neutron moderators of the IBR-2M Pulsed Research Reactor (JINR, Dubna). The results can be used as a basis for developing a more advanced dispersed moderating substance that will increase the safety of operation of the cryogenic moderator complex and improve its performance characteristics.

The research was conducted at the Laboratory of Neutron Physics at JINR.