Нанотехнологии на Кубе / Биологическое применение флуоресцентных наночастиц


Лаборатория ядерных реакций

Дата и время: среда, 16 октября 2024 г., в 15:30

Место: конференц-зал ЛЯР, Лаборатория ядерных реакций
им. Г. Н. Флерова

  1. Тема семинара: «Нанотехнологии на Кубе: вклад Кубинского центра перспективных исследований и Национальной программы по нанонауке и нанотехнологиям»

    Докладчик: Адельмо Монталван Эстрада


    The report discusses the state of development of nanoscience and nanotechnology in Cuba based on the contribution of two of its fundamental components: the Centre for Advanced Studies of Cuba and the National Programme of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. Aspects such as the main lines of research, ongoing projects, main results, technological infrastructure, and available high-tech equipment are addressed.

  2. Тема семинара: «Биологическое применение флуоресцентных наночастиц»

    Докладчик: Лейра Лиз Родригес Бетанкур


    Nanotechnology has become the driving force of different scientific and technological fields, offering innovative solutions. One of the most promising advances is the use of nanoparticles with fluorescent properties that, due to their versatility, are utilised as the development of new bioanalysis methodologies. The Cuban Centre for Advanced Studies currently has lines of research dedicated to obtaining and optimising fluorescent nanoparticles for biological applications, which has allowed the synthesis of carbon dots and quantum dots of cadmium chalcogenides with high stability, solubility in water, and biocompatibility.