Independence Day of the Republic of Armenia

Organization, 21 September 2024

21 September marks the Independence Day of the Republic of Armenia, a JINR Member State.

Scientists from Armenia contribute to 19 topics of the Topical Plan for JINR Research and International Cooperation. The collaboration covers joint research on high energy physics, theoretical and neutron physics, materials science, radiobiology, and other fields. Armenian employees are also interested in IT and Institute’s educational programmes.

The Armenian National Academy of Sciences establishes the JINR–NAS RA Scientific and Technological Centre; JINR and NAS RA regularly organize joint conferences and seminars. The JINR Information Centre operates at the Yerevan State University and the Alikhanyan National Laboratory. AANL is part of the MPD, SPD, and ARIADNA Сollaborations of the NICA Megascience Project.

The Institute’s Directorate congratulates Armenian colleagues on the Independence Day and wishes them good health and well-being, successful work, scientific achievements, and discoveries for the benefit of science and progress!