Newsletter 33

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JINR Newsletter #33, 4 September 2024

Dear colleagues and friends,

Today, a major international event, the three-day ARIADNA Collaboration Meeting on applied research at the NICA Complex, marked the beginning of autumn at JINR.

Read articles about new results of JINR scientists in the FASER Experiment at the LHC, in the TAO Experiment, and at the JINR facilities LINAC-200 and ACCULINNA-2. Implementing the plans in personnel training, JINR invites students and postgraduates to participate in the Institute’s research as part of the START Programme.

You will find September smartphone wallpapers, highlights from the life of the Institute, sports news, and much more in the latest issue of the JINR Newsletter.


ARIADNA Collaboration Meeting on applied research at NICA Complex starts

The ARIADNA Collaboration Meeting is taking place from 4 to 6 September at the JINR International Conference Centre. Scientists and specialists from 33 organizations of 15 countries are participating in the event. Based on the meeting results, an integrated programme of the collaboration for several years will be developed.



First observation of electron neutrinos from LHC in FASER Experiment

Scientists at CERN obtained new research results in FASER (ForwArd Search ExpeRiment). For the first time, high-energy electron neutrinos were observed at a particle collider. You can learn more about the results in the article by DLNP JINR Sector Head Yuri Gornushkin.


Mass testing setup for silicon photomultipliers in TAO Experiment developed

Employees from the Laboratory of Nuclear Problems at JINR and Chinese scientists developed a unique setup and methods for testing silicon photomultiplier (SiPM) arrays as part of the TAO (Taishan Antineutrino Observatory) Experiment. Read more about the development in the article on the JINR website.


Application of photonic crystals for generation of broadband radiation at LINAC-200 Linear Accelerator

VBLHEP JINR researchers together with colleagues from Russian scientific centres studied the possibilities of using ordered three-dimensional matrices of photonic crystals for generating gigahertz, optical, and neutron radiation when a beam of high-energy electrons interacts with them. You can read more about the research in the article via the link.


Observation of positive-parity wave in low-energy spectrum of 7Не

The study was carried out by a group of scientists from the Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions at JINR. You can learn more about the research results in the article published in Physical Review C.


Prompt neutron emission in 250Nо spontaneous fission associated with ground and isomeric state decays

FLNR and BLTP scientists restored and presented an unusually symmetrical shape of the prompt neutron multiplicity distribution in 250Nо for the first time. Research was conducted in cooperation with colleagues from scientific centres in France, Kazakhstan, and Russia. Read more about the study on the JINR website.



Results of Cyclotrons Accelerator School

From 25 to 30 August, the Cyclotrons International School of Accelerator Physics took place in the Verbilki Village with more than 80 participants. Read more about the results of the event in the post published on the AYSS VK page.



New Book Acquisitions exhibition in S&T Library

On 2–20 September, the JINR Science and Technology Library is hosting the New Book Acquisitions exhibition. In addition to textbooks, scientific and popular science books on various topics, visitors will have an opportunity to read a book about outstanding physicist Bruno Pontecorvo (in English) commemorating the scientist’s recent anniversary.



Call for applications for 2025 START Winter Session opens

The START (STudent Advanced Research Training) Programme invites students and postgraduates to join research conducted at JINR supervised by leading scientists and engineers. Applications for the 2025 Winter Session are accepted at until 31 October.


Voices of Science: Make Your Choice

The Association of Young Scientists and Specialists (AYSS) invites JINR employees and Dubna citizens to take part in the poll to choose speakers of the next popular science lectures at the Mir Cultural Centre. The poll only takes 2-3 minutes to complete. You can also suggest other candidates to your liking.


50% off in JINR Sports Facilities

Please note that JINR employees are offered a 50% discount in the JINR Sports Facilities: the Archimedes Swimming Pool, the Nauka Stadium, and the JINR Sports Club. Everyone interested can apply for a discount until 10 September. More information about the application form is available in the link below.



September wallpapers for your smartphones

This month’s JINR Telegram wallpapers feature element 117, tennessine (Ts), and the Mendeleev’s Periodic Table in Dubna. Please enjoy the history behind the synthesis of the element and take a shot at the new quiz.


AYSS event digest

Please enjoy the August issue of the AYSS digest to find out about the latest events in the life of the Association of Young Scientists and Specialists.


Video about past week JINR and Dubna events

We offer you to watch a video review of highlights from the life of the Institute and Dubna.


JINR Weekly Newspaper issued

A new issue of the JINR Weekly Newspaper #33 has been published. Please note that you can read an English version on the JINR Newspaper’s website.



JINR employees’ success in triathlon competition

Dubna hosted the Moscow Region Triathlon Championship and the 11th season of the Nikolov Perevoz Marathon. More than 400 athletes competed in three sports: open water swimming, running, and cycling. JINR employees successfully participated in the competition. Congratulations to the athletes!


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