newsletter 31. 2108

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JINR Newsletter #31, 21 August 2024

Dear colleagues and friends,

Today marks an important event, the signing of a new agreement on joint financing of scientific projects of JINR and the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China. The ceremony took place alongside the 29th Regular Meeting between Chinese and Russian Heads of Governments in Moscow.

In addition, today JINR celebrates the 115th anniversary of birth of one of its founders, the legendary theoretical physicist Nikolay Bogoliubov. Read about this and much more in the latest issue of the JINR Newsletter.

Breaking News

JINR and China sign new cooperation agreement

The document was signed on 21 August alongside the 29th Regular Meeting between Chinese and Russian Heads of Governments. It provides for JINR and the Ministry of Science and Technology of China to finance joint scientific projects, exchange personnel, and expand research opportunities.


Dedicated to 115th anniversary of Nikolay Bogoliubov

He had unquestionable authority, both in science and everyday life

21 August marks an anniversary of one of the JINR founding fathers and directors. To this day, his outstanding personality and the large number of widely recognised scientific papers are an inspiration for many. Nikolay Bogoliubov’s former secretary Nadezhda Isaeva shared her fondest memories about the famous researcher.



Study of silicon photomultiplier external cross-talk

Scientists from DLNP at JINR, Institute of High Energy Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), University of CAS, and East China Normal University studied silicon photomultipliers to be used in the nEXO and JUNO-TAO Neutrino Experiments. The results are published in The Journal of Instrumentation.


QCD equation of state at nonzero baryon density in external magnetic field

Physical Review D published an article by a team of scientists from the Laboratory of Theoretical Physics at JINR and the University of Zurich (Switzerland). The research was conducted using lattice simulations with 2 + 1 dynamical staggered quarks at the physical masses.



Nuclear festival

From 6 to 8 September, MEPhI will organize a popular science event in Tver Region. JINR’s young researchers will compete against teams from other nuclear research centres. If you would like to join the Institute’s team, please mail to Find out more via the event’s website.


Voices of science: your choice

AYSS JINR is conducting a poll for the citizens to choose the researchers and science communicators they would like to meet in the upcoming seasons of the JINR Mir Cultural Centre. In addition, you can suggest your own options.


Book trailer competition

The JINR Universal Public Library is hosting a stage of the Reading Country competition. Everyone interested is invited to participate. You can submit your entry from 1 to 25 November.



Astrobio Experiment to take place next year

The start of a large-scale astrobiology study with the participation of JINR researchers has been postponed. Now the Bion-M Orbital Laboratory No. 2 is planned to be launched in 2025. You can read more about the experiment in the article.


Quiz about Nikolay Bogoliubov

The JINR Telegram channel invites you to take a shot at a quiz and learn interesting facts regarding the life and work of the outstanding physicist.


Leopold Infeld anniversary

It has been 126 years since the birth of Leopold Infeld, one of the JINR founders and a member of the Scientific Council of the Institute. Find out more about the heritage of the world-famous Polish physicist in the JINR Telegram channel post dedicated to his anniversary.


A day in JINR life

On 15 August, the JINR Telegram channel published a post featuring an archive photograph with Yuri Tumanov taken exactly 52 years ago, on 15 August 1972. Please enjoy the photo and its brief description.


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