Hydrodynamical dual of gravitational axial anomaly and cosmological constant

News, 14 August 2024

An article entitled “Hydrodynamical dual of the gravitational axial anomaly and the cosmological constant” by scientists from the Laboratory of Theoretical Physics at JINR and the Kurchatov Institute was published in Physical Review D.

Theoretical physicists constructed the hydrodynamic expansion for a rotating and accelerated medium in a curved space-time and established the relationship between the currents generated by the cosmological constant and the acceleration. Then they considered the more general case with a nonzero Weyl tensor and demonstrated the duality between the current in flat space-time and the gravitational axial anomaly. Therefore, the scientists were able to generalise the previous derivation to the case with a nonzero Ricci tensor.

The full text of the article is available at the following link. Authors: Roman Khakimov, Georgy Prokhorov, Oleg Teryaev, Valentin Zakharov.