Evolving Universe: Theory and Observations Conference invites applications

News, 09 August 2024

From 7 to 12 October, Yerevan will host the conference entitled “Evolving Universe: Theory and Observations” in memory of the world-renowned scientist Alexei A. Starobinsky (1948-2023). Registration is available via the event’s website until 1 September.

Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), Professor Alexei Starobinsky was the Chief Researcher of the RAS Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics and the Laboratory of Theoretical Physics at JINR. He was one of the world’s most prominent specialists in theoretical astrophysics and cosmology and one of the creators of the modern inflationary Universe theory predicting the existence of exponential (de Sitter) expansion in the early stages of the universe’s evolution. He co-authored more than 340 scientific papers.

The event will take place at the Yerevan State University. The Scientific Organizing Committee includes prominent physicists, employees of the Alikhanyan National Science Laboratory, RAS Lebedev Physical Institute, RAS Space Research Institute, universities of Armenia, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Japan, Russia, Switzerland, and the USA, and one of the NASA scientific centres.

The conference aims to bring together researchers specialising in cosmology and astrophysics to discuss current trends in the fields and the prospects for their development. The conference programme will include invited and selected presentations of the participants.