25th Dzhelepov cousins tennis tournament

News, 06 August 2024

For a quarter of a century, the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research has been holding a tennis tournament commemorating outstanding Russian physicists, Corresponding Members of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) Venedikt and Boris Dzhelepov.

The director and founder of the tournament is Igor Dzhelepov, Professor, Master of Sports of the USSR, Vice-President of the Tennis Federation of the Northwestern Russia (St. Petersburg). The organizing committee includes JINR Director, RAS Academician Grigory Trubnikov, Director of the Laboratory of Nuclear Problems Evgeny Yakushev, Chair of the JINR Tennis Club Dmitry Peshekhonov, and Director of the JINR Sports Club Vladimir Lomakin.

The tournament in memory of the Dzhelepov cousins is one of the few sporting events in which well-known politicians, cosmonauts, outstanding artists, and businesspeople participate along with JINR employees and residents of the city. It is known for its friendly and festive atmosphere, coupled with the passionate support from numerous fans, be it under the bright August sun or rainy skies.

This year’s event was no different. Despite being busy, among the participants and honoured guests of the tournament were our good friend, Pilot-Cosmonaut, Hero of the Soviet Union and Russia Sergey Krikalev, State Duma Deputy Konstantin Zatulin, a member of the Federation Council Alexey Sinitsyn, and Army General Dmitry Faddeev.

Igor Dzhelepov opened the tournament. DLNP Director Evgeny Yakushev, Mayor Maxim Tikhomirov, members of the organizing committee, and honoured guests welcomed the participants, expressing hopes for victories, good mood, pleasant weather, and ongoing growth of this great tradition.

The competitions were held in two categories: the men’s pairs and the increasingly popular mixed doubles. 16 pairs took part in the men’s doubles. The victory was claimed by Nikolai Shirkov and Alexey Sinitsyn, who competed in two sets against Igor Zhakevich and Alexey Kanunnikov. Dmitry Faddeev and Oleg Kosheev won the match for the third place.

Especially interesting were the mixed doubles, with 24 sportsmen participating. Elena Pankratova and Egor Chuburkov, together with Svetlana Matkova and Maxim Podlesnyy, put up a strong fight and secured their spots in the finals. The match was very dynamic, with hardly anyone attempting to guess the outcome. Maxim Podlesnyy’s game was cut short by an injury following an unfortunate fall. Elena Lachugina and Igor Dzhelepov, Yulia Zaitseva and Igor Novikov shared the third place. As usual, a tournament among children took place. The winners were M. Starchenko and I. Inozemtsev. The second place was claimed by V. Kudryashov and S. Shirkov, and A. Shuvatov and N. Shirkova took the third place. In the bonus demonstration women’s doubles, Amira Travina and Yulia Zaitseva secured a landslide victory. Elena Lachugina and Elena Pankratova took the second place, and Alexandra Novichkova and Svetlana Zhakevich came third.

Tournament Director Igor Dzhelepov awarded the winners and runner-ups. The competition ended with a traditional photo shoot of the winners.

We express sincere gratitude to Director of the JINR Sports Complex Vladimir Lomakin, Amira Travina, and JINR Offices and Departments for actively supporting the tournament, making it possible to hold the event successfully.

Dubna is looking forward to welcoming guests next year at the upcoming 26th tournament!

Chair of the JINR Tennis Club Dmitry Peshekhonov