JINR and Kamchatka State University discussed cooperation issues

News, 09 April 2024

On 8 April, Acting Rector of the Vitus Bering Kamchatka State University Olga Rebkovets visited the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research to discuss issues of scientific cooperation and the implementation of new educational programmes. KamSU Rector visited the laboratories of the Institute and got acquainted with the key objects of JINR scientific infrastructure.

At the meeting, JINR Director Grigory Trubnikov highlighted the significance of carrying out a wide range of scientific investigations in the unique ecosystems and biodiversity-rich territories of the Kamchatka Krai and spoke about the history of cooperation between the university and the Institute.

“The JINR Information Centre has been working at the Kamchatka State University since 2022. During this time, our parties developed strong professional relationships. Maintaining the support of the Far Eastern region partners in science and education is one of the Institute’s key tasks. JINR is always open to developing strategic cooperation with higher-education institutions and is ready to assist in organizing scientific and educational activities in the Kamchatka Krai,” the Director of the Joint Institute highlighted.

KamSU Rector Olga Rebkovets underscored the successful experience of the JINR Information Centre in hosting scientific schools and other educational events. The number of students majoring in physics and mathematics has been steadily increasing in the region. In addition, the Rector presented the scientific research fields that will be introduced at the university.

“2024 will mark the launch of a comprehensive scientific research programme for Kamchatka, with the Kamchatka State University acting as the project support office. The new programme includes conducting scientific research and developing new technologies in fields such as ecology and biodiversity, volcanology and seismology, and new energy. The university hopes to attract new partners to implement projects of the programme. In the future, we plan to introduce these educational areas at the university and open new laboratories to carry out the necessary research. Our mission is to make KamSU the centre of the region’s social and economic development,” Olga Rebkovets emphasised.

JINR University Centre Director Dmitry Kamanin took part in the meeting. He highlighted the Information Centre’s effectiveness and outlined the UC’s plans for joint work. In turn, Head of the JINR IC at KamSU Daniyal Israpilov outlined intentions to expand contacts with JINR partners through the IC, mentioning plans to study volcanoes of the Pacific volcanic ring of fire in Russia and Mexico together with Mexican scientists.

As a result of the detailed discussions, the parties noted there is potential for cooperation in a wide range of areas: organizing new scientific educational programmes and events for teaching staff to exchange experiences; expanding the educational and methodological complex of materials for the development of general education programmes in schools and universities; potentially organizing a cloud cluster at KamSU and providing access to JINR computing resources; developing scientific expedition programmes in the Kamchatka Krai; providing research assistance; developing and implementing a number of specific joint scientific projects.

In addition, KamSU Rector visited scientific facilities of the Institute’s laboratories and an engineering workshop in the JINR University Centre.