Annual youth conference starts in Alushta

News, 10 June 2024

On 9 June 2024, the 13th International Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists “Alushta-2024”, organized by AYSS JINR, started in the Dubna Resort House in Alushta. This year, more than 45 young scientists and specialists from the Czech Republic, Egypt, Kazakhstan, Russia, and Vietnam are participating in the event.

At the opening ceremony, chaipersons of the conference Alexander Nezvanov and Regina Kozhina presented reports on the event’s work organization. JINR Assistant Director for the Development of Biomedical Projects Grigory Shirkov greeted the participants. “The fact that the conference continues to be held despite all the challenges is wonderful. It is very important for young people to have an opportunity to unite at such events from the beginning of their scientific careers,” he noted and wished the participants fruitful work.

This year’s youth conference in Alushta is dedicated to modern achievements in medical physics, particularly the development of the concept and project for the creation of a scientific and clinical proton therapy centre based on the MSC-230 Superconducting Proton Cyclotron. The programme includes 10 lectures from invited speakers, more than 40 scientific reports from conference participants, and sports, leisure, and sightseeing activities.

The event will last until 15 June. The working languages are Russian and English. You can find links to join the conference online under the #jinr_today hashtag in the JINR Telegram channel.