60th meeting of Programme Advisory Committee for Particle Physics

News, 14 June 2024

On 17 June, the 60th meeting of the Programme Advisory Committee for Particle Physics of JINR will be held at the JINR International Conference Centre. During the working day, the Committee members will review progress reports on current projects, as well as proposals for opening new ones and extending those that are being completed. Reports on the scientific results of the projects in which JINR staff participated will be heard.

  Programme, 60th meeting, PAC for Particle Physics

The meeting will be opened by the report of Itzhak Tserruya, Chair of the PAC for Particle Physics, on the implementation of the recommendations adopted at the 59th meeting of the PAC. Vladimir Kekelidze, Vice-Director of the Institute, will present information on the resolution of the 135th session of the JINR Scientific Council (February 2024) and on the decisions of the Committee of Plenipotentiaries of the Governments of the JINR Members States (March 2024).

The PAC members will hear reports on the implementation of the ongoing projects at the NICA accelerator complex: Nuclotron–NICA (Anatoly Sidorin), MPD (Victor Ryabov) and BM@N (Mikhail Kapishin).

The status of the Technical Design Report of the SPD detector will be discussed by Alexey Guskov, Spokesperson of the Collaboration. Ivan Logashenko, Deputy Director of the Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, will present the report of the DAC SPD Expert Council.

The responsible staff will present reports on the projects ending in 2024 and proposals for their extension: NA61/SHINE (Alexander Dmitriev), NA62 (Dmitry Madigozhin), STAR (Alexey Aparin), and COMET (Zviad Tsamalaidze). Yuri Davydov, Head of the Scientific and Experimental Department of Multiple Hadron Processes of DLNP JINR, will propose a new project on the development of particle detection techniques in future experiments with JINR participation.

In the afternoon, the scientific results obtained by JINR groups in experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will be presented by Boris Batyunya (ALICE), Ivan Yeletskikh (ATLAS), and Vladimir Karzhavin (CMS).

At the end of the meeting, young scientists of the Joint Institute will make presentations on research in particle physics. At the end of the day, the members of the PAC will adopt the recommendations of the Programme Advisory Committee and make proposals for the agenda of the next meeting.