Determination of Neutron Spectral Parameters at irradiation position of IREN Neutron production chamber by MCNP. Simulation and experimental verification


Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics

Seminar of the Department of Nuclear Physics

Leader: Valery Shvetsov

Date and Time: Wednesday, 19 June 2024, at 3:00 PM

Venue: Conference Hall, Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics

Seminar topic: “Determination of Neutron Spectral Parameters at irradiation position of IREN Neutron production chamber by MCNP. Simulation and experimental verification”

Authors: L. T. M. Nhat1,2, L. H. Khiem1,3, T. N. Toan3,4, V. D. Cong1,3, P. T. Thanh1,3, N. A. Son2, S. B. Borzakov1, A. Yu. Dmitriev1, V. V. Lobachev1, V. N. Shvetsov1, T. H. B. Phi3,4, D. V. Trung3, N. T. X. Thai1,5

2 – Dalat University, Vietnam
3 – Institute of Physics, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology
5 – Vietnam Power Engineering and Electrical Joint Stock Company



A campaign using IREN for measurement of nuclear reaction data is being planned by our group. For data analysis, the characteristics of neutron distributions at irradiation position must be known precisely in advance.

The characteristics of the neutron distributions including neutron spectrum, neutron temperature, cadmium ratio, epithermal α-shape factor at diferent iradiation positions on the wall of the neutron production chamber of IREN by simulation using MCNP code will be presented in this report. The obtained results will be compared with experimental values measured by activation method. The prelimanary results in 2023 experiment for determination of neutron induced reaction cross-sections for some isotopes will be reported as well.