JINR research team wins RAS Veksler Prize

News, 03 June 2024

On 27 May, at the General Meeting of the Division of Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, RAS Academician Grigory Trubnikov, Deputy Head of the Accelerator Department of the Laboratory of High Energy Physics at JINR Anatoly Sidorin, and VBLHEP JINR Acting Director Andrey Butenko received the Academician Veksler Prize, a RAS award given triennially for outstanding work in accelerator physics. The prize was presented to the team for the series of papers titled “Multifunctional complex of heavy ion accelerators”.

The series describes the stages of practical implementation of a new concept of an accelerator complex for obtaining accelerated nuclei of all stable elements of the Mendeleev’s Periodic Table with relativistic energies. The concept is based on the use of a cascade of two synchrotrons: a booster (NICA Booster), which, due to its high magnetic rigidity, provides high efficiency of nuclei stripping and does not require the source to produce highly charged ions, and the main one (Nuclotron), accelerating the nuclei to the energy required for the experiment.

On the same day, at the Scientific Session of the General Meeting of the RAS Division of Physics, JINR Scientific Leader, RAS Academician Victor Matveev presented the report “The most important achievements of research on fundamental problems of nuclear physics over the past 25 years and their prospects”.

The meeting of the Department of the RAS Division of Physics preceded the General Meeting of Members of the Russian Academy of Sciences dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the Academy.

Photo: © “Scientific Russia”