LRB JINR seminar: Basic concepts in radiopharmaceuticals application
On 29 May, the Laboratory of Radiation Biology at JINR invites everyone interested to a seminar “Basic concepts in radiopharmaceuticals application” under the scientific leadership of Evgeny Krasavin, RAS Corresponding Member, chairman of the RAS Scientific Council on Radiobiology. The speaker is Ignacio Hernández González. The event will take place at the LRB Conference Hall at 11:00 AM.
Nuclear medicine can be considered a very young science since it is less than a century old, but nowadays it is a very important and powerful discipline in the fields of medical diagnosis and therapy. It is as well an important and fast evolving direction in biomedical research. Labeled compounds in a form of “Radiopharmaceuticals” are the battle horses of nuclear medicine application using open radiation sources. The present seminar will cover the most relevant aspects of radiopharmaceuticals application starting from history and basic concepts, pharmaceutics and pharmacological issues, examples of application and importance for clinical research in the fields of drugs research and development.