Public talk “Parenthood as a profession”


The JINR Universal Public Library invites teenagers, their parents and all interested to a public talk “Parenthood as a profession, and how tutor tools can help with this”.

Ivan Cherkashin, graduate of the master’s degree program at Moscow State Pedagogical University, author of the “Great March” series of books is a speaker. He will answer questions from the moderator and the audience. This is the first event of an educational cycle for parents in the field of humane pedagogy.

What happens if moms let dads and five kids go camping? How can you make this an educational adventure? How to organize children’s leisure time in nature and not go crazy? How can we learn to listen to each other in joint activities, support a child in his self-determination and choice of activities that are important to him?

Date and Time: 18 November 2023, в 6:00 PM

Venue: JINR Universal Public Library, Blokhintsev str., 13/7

Registration is required via the link.