Lecture about modern demography


The JINR Universal Public Library invites all interested people to a lecture by the demographer Alexey Raksha “Modern demography: prospects of countries and regions”.

Alexey Raksha graduated from the Department of Banking of the Finance Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation. He got He received his second higher education in the Higher School of Economics, with a degree in demography. From 2014 to 2020, he made demographic calculations in the Department of Population and Health Statistics of Rosstat. He is an independent expert since 2021.

Attention! Registration is required (via the link).

Date and time: 9 September 2023, at 7:00 PM. Admission is free.

Venue: JINR Universal Public Library (13/7, Blokhintsev str.).

Record of the lecture by Alexey Raksha, 09.09.2023