AYSS seminar at JINR Scientists’ Club


On 14 June 2023, at 4:00 PM, the Association of Young Scientists and Specialists of JINR invites you to the next seminar that will take place at the hall of the JINR Scientists’ Club (6, Joliot-Curie street, left side).

Alexander Nezvanov (a FLNP researcher) will make a report “Tinned neutrons and other recipes at cold temperatures”.

Alexander speaks about the seminar, “Neutrons are a unique tool for solving applied and fundamental problems. Slow neutrons are of particular interest and open up new prospects in both directions of research. At the moment, many neutron research centres around the world are aiming to increase the range of useful neutrons in the direction of lowering their energy. Researchers pay special attention to very cold neutrons with wavelengths from ~3 to ~50 nm. Relatively small proportion of such neutrons in the total flux and the low efficiency of their delivery to research facilities limit the progress in their use. As soon as the wavelength of neutrons reaches the interatomic distance of ~0.1 nm, they begin to interact less effectively with homogeneous media, pass through reflectors, and researchers lose them. In the Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics JINR, researchers study and create unique slow neutron reflectors based on nanodiamonds that have no effective analogues in the world. The lecture is about various parts of the spectrum of slow neutrons, their features, and application. You will learn about the features of existing and designed sources of very cold neutrons, the creation of effective reflectors for such neutrons, as well as examples of their use in neutron scattering techniques and fundamental research”.

There will be a small coffee break at 4:00 PM, which precedes the seminar. The report will start at 4:15 PM.

If you are going to join the event of 14 June, please take part in the survey via the link not later than 4:00 PM 13 June.

Records of AYSS seminars are available via the link