Manifestation of cluster degrees of freedom in structure of heavy nuclei


Seminar “Nuclear Theory”

Date and Time: Monday, 29 May 2023, at 3:30 PM

Venue: Blokhintsev Lecture Hall (4th floor), Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics; online on Zoom

Seminar topic: “Manifestation of cluster degrees of freedom in the structure of heavy nuclei”

Speaker: Timur Shneidman


A model has been developed that allows to take into account simultaneously both the core deformation parameters and the cluster degrees of freedom. The model is based on the concept of a dinuclear system where the nuclear wave function is treated as a superposition of various cluster configurations and the mononucleus. Degrees of freedom associated with the internal excitation of clusters and their relative motion are taken into account. The model makes it possible to describe in a unified way the structure of low-lying collective nuclear excitations, alpha- and cluster decays, the properties of super- and hyperdeformed states, and the formation of the angular momentum distribution of fission fragments.

In this talk, the evolution of mirror-asymmetric deformation in actinides and rare-earth nuclei is considered. The energies of low-lying collective states and the probabilities of electric multipole transitions between them are calculated and compared with experiment. It is shown that the cluster degrees of freedom have to be considered when describing the probabilities of E1 transitions from rotational levels built on excited 0+ states

(based on the Dr. Sc. Thesis)