AYSS seminar at JINR Scientists’ Club


On 24 May 2023, at 4:00 PM, the Association of Young Scientists and Specialists of JINR invites you to the next seminar that will take place at the hall of the JINR Scientists’ Club (6, Joliot-Curie street, left side).

Konstantin Gertsenberger (VBLHEP Head of the Mathematical and Software Group) will make a report “Why pay a programmer in a large physical experiment?”.

Konstantin speaks about the seminar, “For the successful implementation of the physical programme of large-scale experiments, a qualitatively developed and debugged software is of utmost importance. This software is for both modeling the operation of the facility, reconstruction, and analysis of particle collision events, and a large number of equally important auxiliary tasks for automating the storage and software processing of the obtained data. At the seminar, I will briefly present the history of the development of programming tools and methods to modern software development tools, as well as the interrelated development of software systems in physical experiments on particle collisions. I will demonstrate the software ecosystem of modern high-energy physics experiments by the example of an ongoing experiment of the NICA Project, BM@N (Baryonic Matter at the Nuclotron). In addition, I will show the importance of automating existing processes for collecting, storing, and processing event data. I will pay special attention to the use and integration of online and offline information systems of various directions and auxiliary services for the successful implementation of the physical programme. A large range of tasks and software systems in modern particle collision experiments presented at the seminar is a necessary element for their successful operation and timely obtained results. Undoubtedly, it requires a qualified development team with expert knowledge in relevant fields to meet the challenges of a rapidly changing world”.

There will be a small coffee break at 4:00 PM, which precedes the seminar. The report will start at 4:15 PM.

If you are going to join the event of 24 May, please take part in the survey via the link not later than 4:00 PM 23 May.

Records of AYSS seminars are available via the link