Lectures at Blokhinka dedicated to JINR Foundation Day


On 18 March 2023, at 6:00 PM, the JINR Universal Public Library invites everyone interested to popular science mini lectures “15×4”, dedicated to the Foundation Day of the Institute. The topic is “Not only physics”.

The event programme:

  • “15 minutes on publishing books at JINR” (Anastasia Shabashova, Chief of JINR Publishing Department);
  • “15 minutes on the largest swimming pool in Dubna” (Amira Travina, Head of the Sports and Mass Sector of the JINR Sports Complex);
  • “15 minutes on the development of electronics for magic acceleration machines” (Dmitry Ponkin, a senior engineer at the VBLHEP JINR Accelerator Department);
  • “15 minutes on catering” (Artem Malyshkin, Baryon restaurant director).

Admission is free.