Research and development of polarised deuteron source for Van de Graaf Accelerator


Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems

Scientific methodological seminar

Date and Time: Thursday, 6 April 2023, at 11:00 AM

Venue: DLNP Conference Hall, Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems, online on Zoom

Seminar topic: “Research and development of the polarised deuteron source for the Van de Graaf Accelerator”

Speaker: Iliya Gapienko


The prototype of the polarized deuteron source was made for the Van de Graaff accelerator of the Czech Technical University in Prague with the aim to create a full-scale setup for producing the polarized neutron beam for experiments on measuring ∆σL and ∆σT, longitudinal and transversal spin asymmetries in the transmission polarized neutron beam through a frozen polarized deuteron target. It is based on Kaminsky’s experiment on channeling deuterons through magnetized Ni single crystal foil of 1−2 µm. It is proposed to use the reaction T(d, n)4He with polarized deuterons with an energy of 150 − 200 keV. For a nonchanneled beam (goniometer in a random position), tensor polarization measurements were carried out with a TiT target. Our result is Pzz = −0.20 ± 0.04. This result indicates that deuterium atoms which passed outside the channels also become polarized due to the capture of polarized electrons from the nickel crystal.

Record of the seminar “Research and development of polarised deuteron source for Van de Graaf Accelerator”, 06.04.23