DLNP Science and Technology Council


Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems

Date and Time: Tuesday, 21 February 2023, at 3:00 PM

Venue: DLNP Conference Hall, Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems; online conference on Zoom

Science and Technology Council of the Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems (2023-2)


  • Elections for the position of a researcher of the Experimental Department of Nuclear Spectroscopy and Radiochemistry.
    Applicant: Evgeny O. Sushenok.
    Represented by Evgeny A. Yakushev.
  • Elections for the position of a researcher of the New Accelerators Department.
    Applicant: Galina M. Skripka.
    Represented by Galina A. Karamysheva.
  • Elections for the position of a researcher of the Experimental Department of Colliding Beams.
    Applicant: Olga V. Bakina.
    Represented by Alexey V. Guskov.
  • Consideration of a candidate Sergey A. Sokolov for participation in the Social Mortgage subprogramme.
    Represented by Nikolay V. Anfimov.
  • Consideration of a candidate Vladislav I. Sharov for participation in the Social Mortgage subprogramme.
    Represented by Nikolay V. Anfimov.
  • Consideration of a candidate Rostislav V. Sotensky for participation in the Social Mortgage subprogramme.
    Represented by Georgy A. Chelkov.
  • Consideration of a candidate Natalia A. Kovyazina for the Moscow Region Governor’s Award.
    Represented by Alexey V. Guskov.
  • Consideration of a candidate Ilya I. Vasiliev for the Moscow Region Governor’s Award.
    Represented by Akram M. Artikov.
  • Consideration of a candidate Alexander S. Selyunin for the Moscow Region Governor’s Award.
    Represented by Nikolay V. Anfimov.