Probing the holographic model of N = 4 SYM rotating quark-gluon plasma


Семинар «Теория адронного вещества при экстремальных условиях»

Дата и время: среда, 9 ноября 2023 г., в 16:00

Место: аудитория им. Д. И. Блохинцева (4-й этаж), Лаборатория теоретической физики им. Н. Н. Боголюбова; онлайн-семинар в Zoom

Тема семинара: «Probing the holographic model of N = 4 SYM rotating quark-gluon plasma»

Авторы: Анастасия Голубцова, Никита Цегельник

Докладчик: Никита Цегельник


Following the holographic duality, the 4D rotating 𝒩 = 4 SYM plasma can be described by a rotating Kerr-AdS5 black hole. The Kerr-AdS5 black hole has a conformal boundary R × 𝕊3 on which the 𝒩 = 4 SYM theory (a thermal ensemble) «lives». Moreover, the Hawking temperature corresponds to the temperature of the dual theory. We study rectangular Wilson loops in 𝒩 = 4 SYM on R × 𝕊3 at finite temperature using the holographic dictionary. Accordingly, we consider an open string in Kerr-AdS5 hanging from the conformal boundary to the horizon, so that the ends of the string correspond to «quarks». We calculate the quark-antiquark potential from the Nambu-Goto action of the string and find that the potential includes the Coulomb and linear parts, indicating the confinement/deconfinement phase transition. We also calculate the jet-quenching parameter associated with the energy loss of a fast parton propagating through a rotating 𝒩 = 4 SYM plasma and analyse its dependence on rotation. We show that the value of the jet-quenching parameter for the rotating case can be smaller comparing to the case of the planar AdS black hole.