Quantum intelligent control and quantum software engineering in robotics of JINR projects


Laboratory of Information Technologies

Date and Time: Tuesday, 20 September 2022, at 3:00 PM

Venue: MLIT Conference hall, Laboratory of Information Technologies

Seminar topic: “Quantum intelligent control and quantum software engineering in robotics of JINR projects”

Speaker: Sergey Ulyanov


A new quality control method of dynamically unstable object based on quantum soft computing is described. This method enables to control object in unpredicted situations with incomplete (imperfect) information about the structure of the control object and external environments. The efficiency over other methods of intelligent control is demonstrated on the benchmark with partial unstable generalised coordinates as stroboscopic industrial manipulator, “cart-pole” system and redundant robotic manipulator. Quantum software engineering applied in SW design of intelligent quantum robotic controllers in industrial complex systems. Quantum supremacy of quantum engineering approach in intelligent robust controllers of classical robotic model design demonstrated on SW-Benchmarks with the solution of intractable classical control tasks.