Regularisation of Zero-Range Two-Body Interactions in the Three-Body Problem
Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics
Seminar “Few-Body Systems”
Date and Time: Tuesday, 29 March 2022, at 2:30 PM
Venue: Blokhintsev Lecture Hall and online on Zoom, Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics
Link to join the seminar via Zoom
Seminar topic: “Regularisation of Zero-Range Two-Body Interactions in the Three-Body Problem”
Authors: A. V. Malykh (BLTP, JINR), O. I. Kartavtsev (DLNP, JINR)
Speaker: A. V. Malykh
Generally, taking the zero-range limit of two-body interactions, one meets difficulties in description of three-body problem, which manifests in Efimov (or Thomas) effect. To overcome this difficulties, Minlos and Faddeev suggested in [1] to regularize zero-range interaction in a specific way, which was further analyzed in [2, 3]. It was shown that the regularization parameter σ should exceed some critical value σc to avoid Efimov (or Thomas) effect and the exact value of σc was obtained for three identical bosons. Moreover, it was claimed in [2] that Hamiltonian is self-ajoint if σ > σc. At last, the detailed proof of this statement is given in [3].
The main goal of this work is to notice that the condition σ > σc merely forbids the Efimov (or Thomas) effect and the Hamiltonian is self-ajoint under the weaker condition σ> σr > σc. It turns out that in the interval σc ≤ σ < σr one needs to introduce the three-body parameter b, which describes the boundary condition at the triple-collision point and unambiguously determines the self-ajoint three-body Hamiltonian. To clarify the dependence on s and b, the bound-state energies are calculated and it is shown that there is one or no bound state in the interval σc ≤ σ < σr. Besides, similar analysis was carried out for the three-body problem containing two identical bosons interacting with distinct particle of the same mass and the critical values σc and σr are given.
One should note that the described scenario is quite general, in particular, it is similar to the case of
three two-component fermions described in [4].
[1] R.A. Minlos and L.D. Faddeev, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 141, 1335 (1961).
[2] S. Albeverio, Phys. Lett. A 83, 105 (1981).
[3] G. Basti, arXiv:2107.07188 (2021).
[4] O. I. Kartavtsev and A. V. Malykh, EPL, 115, 36005 (2016).