Victor Anatolievich Matveev

Scientific Leader of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research


Victor A. Matveev — Doctor of Science in Physics and Mathematics, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Date and place of birth:

11 December 1941, Taiga, Novosibirsk Region, USSR


  • 1959–1964  Far East State University, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics; Leningrad State University, Faculty of Physics
  • 1967  PhD in Physics and Mathematics (“Dispersion sum rules and symmetry properties of elementary particles”)
  • 1973  Doctor of Science in Physics and Mathematics (“Quasipotential scattering theory in quantum field theory”)
  • 1980  Professor, Theoretical Physics
  • 1991  Professor Emeritus, M. Lomonosov Moscow State University
  • 1991  Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • 1994  Full Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Professional career:

  • 1965–1978  Postgraduate Researcher, Junior Researcher, Senior Researcher, Acting Head of Sector, Laboratory of Theoretical Physics of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
  • 1976–1977  Leader, JINR Physicists’ Group at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (USA)
  • 1978–1987  Deputy Director for Research, Institute for Nuclear Research of the USSR Academy of Sciences
  • 1987–2011  Director, Institute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • 2011  Acting Director of JINR
  • 2012–2020  Director of JINR
  • Since 1 January 2021  Scientific Leader of JINR

Educational activity:

  • 1980–1992  Professor, Chair of Quantum Statistics and Field Theory of the Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University (MSU)
  • Since 1992  Professor, Chair of Quantum Theory and High Energy Physics of the Faculty of Physics, MSU (Course “Introduction to Elementary Particle Physics”)
  • Since 1995  Head of Chair “Fundamental Interactions and Cosmology” of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology

Scientific-organizational activity:

  • Since 1992  Member, Scientific Council of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
  • Since 1992  Member, Editorial Board of the Journal “Nuclear Physics”
  • 1996–2000; 2004  Member, Council of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research
  • Since 1996  Chairman, Board of the Russia and Dubna Member States Collaboration in the CMS experiment at CERN’s LHC
  • Since 1996  Member of the RAS Presidium, Deputy Academician-Secretary of the RAS Nuclear Physics Division
  • Since 1996  Chairman, Presidium of the RAS Troitsk Science Centre
  • Since 1998  Member, Particle and Nuclear Astrophysics and Gravitation International Committee (PaNAGIC) of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP)
  • Since 1999  Member, Presidium of the Russian Higher Attestation Commission
  • Since 2000  Head of the RAS Presidium Fundamental Research Programme “Neutrino Investigations”
  • Since 2008  Academician-Secretary of the RAS Physical Sciences Division
  • Since 2014  Editor-in-Chief of the RAS Journal of Surface Investigation: X-ray, Synchrotron and Neutron Techniques
  • Since 2015  Editor-in-Chief of the Journal “Physics of Elementary Particles and Atomic Nuclei”

Research interests:

  • Elementary particle physics,
  • Theoretical and mathematical physics,
  • Methods of quantum field theory in the development of relativistic quark models of hadrons,
  • Searches for dynamical symmetries in high energy physics and detection on their basis of general regularities which are manifested in particle interactions

Scientific publications:

Author of more than 700 scientific papers, co-author of the discovery “Regularities of large-angle elastic hadron scattering at high energies –– Matveev–Muradyan–Tavkhelidze quark counting rules”

Prizes, honorary titles:

  • Lenin Komsomol Prize in Science and Technology (1973),
  • Lenin Prize (1988) for a series of studies “New quantum number – colour and establishment of dynamical regularities in the quark structure of elementary particles and atomic nuclei”,
  • Russian Federation State Prize in Science and Technology “For the construction of the Baksan neutrino observatory and research in the field of neutrino astrophysics, particle physics and cosmic rays” (1998),
  • Order of Honour (1999),
  • Title “Honored Scientist of the Moscow Region” (1999),
  • Russian Government Prize “For the development, construction and commissioning for scientific exploitation of the high-current linear proton accelerator of the Moscow Meson Factory” (2000),
  • Title “Honorary Professor of Moscow State University” (2000),
  • Title “Honorary Citizen of Troitsk” (2001),
  • Order “For Service to the Fatherland”, IV degree (2007),
  • National Order of Merit (France), Officer degree (2017),
  • Order “For Service to the Fatherland”, III degree (2017),
  • Title “Doctor Honoris Causa of the University of Bucharest” (2018),
  • Title “Honorary Doctor of the National Research Center Kurchatov Institute” (2018),
  • Title “Honorary Doctor of the Saint Petersburg State University” (2019),
  • Title “Honorary Doctor of the Far Eastern Federal University” (2024),
  • Medals, twice awarded with the Moscow Region Governor’s badge of honour “Thank you”,
  • Listed in the Moscow Region’s Book of Fame.

More information:

INR RAS – Curriculum vitae of Academician V.A.Matveev






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