He7: observation of the even-parity state. Preliminary results of ACCULLINA-2 first experiment


Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions

Seminar of Physical Sectors

Date and Time: Thursday, 20 May 2021, at 3:30 PM

Venue: Conference Hall, Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions, online on Webex

Seminar topic: “He7: observation of the even-parity state. Preliminary results of ACCULLINA-2 first experiment”

Speaker: Andrei A. Bezbakh


7He neutron-excess isotope beyond nucleon stability line was studied in deuteron removal reaction in inverse kinematics at ACCULLINA-2 6He secondary beam of 30 MeV/nucleon energy. This report presents the experimental setup description and the results of preliminary data analysis. Observation of the asymmetry of 7Не→n+ 6He decay product angular distribution which proves the presence of opposite parity states in spectrum is the main result. Simulation analysis issues are discussed. This report is a part of the Candidate thesis to be.