Infinite spin (super)particles in twistor formulation


Seminar “Modern Mathematical Physics”

Date and Time: Tuesday, 23 March 2021, at 1:00 PM

Venue: Online conference on Zoom, Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics

Seminar topic: «Infinite spin (super)particles in twistor formulation»

Speaker: Sergey Fedoruk


It is presented a new twistorial formulation of the D=4 massless infinite (continuous) spin particles. This description uses two Penrose twistors subjected to the set of the first class constraints. After the first quantization of the world-line twistorial model, we find twistorial infinite spin field and derive its helicity decomposition. Using the field twistor transform, we construct the space-time infinite (continuous) spin fields, which depend on the coordinate four-vector and additional commuting Weyl spinor. Twistor fields play the role of prepotentials to the space-time fields. It is shown that these space-time fields are the solutions of the space-time constraints defining the irreducible massless representations of the Poincare group with infinite spin. We show that the infinite integer-spin field and infinite half-integer-spin field form the N=1 infinite spin supermultiplet. The corresponding supersymmetry transformations are formulated and their on-shell algebra is derived. Using twistor-like formulation we develop the BRST approach and derive the Lagrangian for the half-integer infinite spin fields.

The talk is based on e-prints:
1805.09706, 1903.07947, 1911.00362, 2005.07085 [hep-th].