JINR has always been a great place to start a successful career in science. Students and graduates from the JINR Member States have the opportunity to prepare graduate papers and PhD candidate theses at the scientific departments of the Institute, combining this work with studying at the basic departments of the leading universities of Russia or studying in accordance with individual education plans. Such format has a number of advantages, including the opportunity to participate in the frontline research conducted by the leading international collaborations; a wide range of specialties at the Institute; high competence of JINR specialists acting as students’ scientific supervisors; unique additional educational programmes. There are six dissertation councils functioning at JINR.
Currently, JINR has the departments of the following universities of the Russian Federation:
Kazan Federal University
Department of Nuclear Physics Materials Science
Head of Department: A.V. Belushkin, DSc (Physics and Mathematics), Professor
Moscow State University (MSU)
Department of Particle Physics
Head of Department: V.A. Matveev, Academician of RAS
Fundamental Nuclear Interactions
Head of Department: G.V. Trubnikov, Academician of RAS
Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (MEPhI)
Department of Experimental Methods of Nuclear Physics
Head of Department: V.A. Matveev, Academician of RAS
Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT)
Department of Fundamental and Applied Problems in Microworld Physics
Head of Department: D.I. Kazakov, Corresponding Member of RAS, DSc (Physics and Mathematics), Professor
Saint Petersburg State University
Department of Information and Nuclear Technologies
Head of Department: A.O. Sidorin, DSc (Physics and Mathematics), Professor
Department’s programme “Mega-science facilities management processes”
Master’s Programme Admission Calendar
Dubna State University
Department of Nuclear Physics
Head of Department: Yu.Ts. Oganessyan, Academician of RAS
Department of Fundamental Problems of Microworld Physics
Head of Department: A.B. Arbuzov, DSc (Physics and Mathematics), Professor
Department of Biophysics
Head of Department: E.A. Krasavin, Corresponding Member of RAS, Professor
Department of Distributed Informational Computing Systems
Head of Department: V.V. Korenkov, Doctor of Technical Sciences
Department of Nanotechnology and New Materials
Head of Department: I.B. Nemchenok, Doctor of Technical Sciences
Department of Electronics Deign for Megascience Projects
Head of Department: Yu.S. Sakharov, Academician of RANS, Professor
Department of Physics and Technology
Head of Department: A.I. Malakhov, DSc (Physics and Mathematics), Professor