Summer meeting of PAC for Condensed Matter Physics
Organization, 13 June 2023
A regular, the 57th meeting of the Programme Advisory Committee for Condensed Matter Physics of JINR will take place on 15 – 16 June at the JINR International Conference Centre. The chairman of the meeting Dénes Lajos Nagy will open the event and present information on the implementation of the recommendations of the previous PAC CMP meeting.
Programme of PAC meeting for Condensed Matter Physics
JINR Vice Director Latchesar Kostov will present information on the Resolution of the 133rd session of the JINR Scientific Council (February 2023) and on the decisions of the Committee of Plenipotentiaries of the Governments of the JINR Member States (March 2023).
Within the programme of the event, proposals for project openings and extensions will be made. FLNP Director Egor Lychagin will present a new infrastructure project “Pulsed neutron source and spectrometers” for the consideration of the PAC members, reports on the opening of its subprojects will be made. The following projects will be proposed for opening: “Precision laser metrology for accelerators and detector complexes (PLI)” (Mikhail Lyablin), “Nanobiophotonics” (Grigory Arzumanyan), “Design and development of a test zone for methodological studies of detectors at the linear electron accelerator in DLNP” (Said Abou El-Azm), “Protection against physical and chemical stresses with tardigrade proteins (TARDISS)” (Mikhail Zarubin), “Molecular, genetic and organismal effects of ionizing radiation with different physical characteristics” (Pavel Lobachevsky), “Radiation biophysics and astrobiology research” (Alexey Chizhov), “Radiation tolerance of materials to high intensity heavy ion beams impact” and “Nanocomposite and functional track-etched membranes” (Pavel Apel).
A DLNP leading researcher Georgy Shelkov and Deputy Head of the Accelerator Department of VBLHEP Anatoly Sidorin will make proposals for the extension of the projects “Novel semiconductor detectors for fundamental and applied research” and “Development of experimental techniques and applied research with slow monochromatic positron beams (PAS)”.
Consideration of written proposals for the opening and extension of the projects “Methods of computational physics for the study of complex systems”, “Complex materials”, “Mathematical models of statistical physics of complex systems”, “Nanostructures and nanomaterials”, “Quantum field theory methods in complex systems” will take place.
An FLNP senior researcher Tatiana Vershinina will present to the meeting participants a scientific report devoted to the neutron-diffraction studies of structural phase transition in alloys. As part of the programme, there will be a meeting of the PAC members with the Institute’s Directorate and poster presentations by young scientists.
Drafting the PAC recommendations including proposals for the agenda of the next session of the committee will conclude the event.