Online lecture by Academician G. V. Trubnikov
News, 29 April 2020
Distant learning technologies play a considerable role in the current difficult situation. They allow conveying up-to-date scientific knowledge to any listener whenever a listener and a teacher are located.
The Department of Chemistry and Material Sciences of RAS, as well as the Faculty of Chemistry and the Faculty of Material Sciences of MSU, initiate the implementation of the open educational project “Academy to universities: chemistry and material sciences in the era of pandemic”.
“In the frames of the project leading scientists, members of the Russian and international academies of sciences, outstanding representatives of academic science will deliver thematic educational lectures on chemistry, material sciences, modern approaches in biology and medicine. Video records of lectures will be publicly available and may be used by universities for general and additional educational programmes, as well as for self-education and motivation of students and postgraduates for future scientific achievements,” Dean of the MSU Faculty of Chemistry, RAS Corresponding Member S. N. Kalmykov said.
The project will be launched on 29 April 2020 at 2:00 PM Moscow time. First Vice-Director of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR), Academician G. V. Trubnikov will start the project with the teleconference report “Development of the mega-projects net in the RF territory and participation of Russia in mega-science projects abroad”. Grigory Vladimirovich is a specialist in the fields of nuclear physics and charged particles accelerators, Head of the mega-project NICA (Nuclotron based Ion Collider fAcility). It is a new accelerating complex, a collider being created on the JINR basis (Dubna, Russia) in order to study the properties of the dense baryonic matter. Grigory Vladimirovich as a member of the scientific team won the Prize of the RF Government in the fields of Science and Technology for the creation of new-generation accelerators of heavy ions for relativistic nuclear physics and innovative nuclear energy technologies.
Information about lecturers and the current schedule is available on the websites of MSU, the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Mendeleev Russian Chemical Society:,,,,,
The portal “Scientific Russia” will broadcast live lectures and conferences of the project “Academy to universities: chemistry and material sciences in the era of pandemic”. Start is set on 29 April, at 2:00 PM.