JINR Training Programme “JINR Expertise for Member States and Partner Countries” (JEMS)

International training programme for decision-makers in science and international scientific cooperation

JEMS – “JINR Expertise for Member States and Partner Countries”

Since 2016, the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research has been actively implementing the training programme for administrative and scientific personnel from research and educational organizations of JINR member states, associated members, and partner countries.

The training programme includes meetings with the JINR Directorate, a tour of the four main research complexes of the Institute, establishment of professional contacts with project leaders, daily lectures at the Visit Centre, as well as a Dubna sightseeing excursion.


The 25th JEMS training programme is
scheduled for 16 – 20 September 2024
(for participants from Vietnam and countries of Southeast Asia).

What is JEMS

JEMS is a training programme – “JINR Expertise for Member States and Partner Countries”, run by the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna and targeted at administrators and managers of international projects in science and research in nuclear sciences and related disciplines.

JEMS trainings are held every 3-4 months. Working language – English. A Russian language training course is announced by a special notice.

The main objective of JEMS is to present JINR operating principles, research and educational programmes, user policies, as well as means and formats of participating in JINR activities. During 5 working days, participants are offered an exciting tour of JINR research infrastructure, presentations and review lectures delivered by top laboratory management and leading scientists, meetings and round-table discussions with JINR Directorate, as well as excursions around Dubna.

The following topics are milestones of a usual generic day-by-day JEMS Programme: Heavy Ion Physics and Accelerator Technologies; Neutron Applications and nano-world; Theory, Information, Education; Life Sciences on the Earth and Space; Neutrino.

Organizational Issues

JINR covers the cost of transfer from Moscow airports and railway stations to Dubna and back, as well as hotel booking at a special guest rate (USD ~35 per night).

In order to apply please forward an official letter in the name of Dr. Sergey Dmitriev, Vice-Director of JINR (post@jinr.ru with c.c. to jems@jinr.ru), accompanied by contact details and brief CVs of the delegates.
Ms. Yulia Polyakova, JEMS Programme Secretary

Ms. Elena Badawy, Deputy Head of the Protocol Group of the JINR Department of International Cooperation
JEMS Trainings in 2024

  • 11 – 15 March, the 24th JEMS Training Programme (for Russian-speaking participants).
  • 16 – 20 September, the 25th JEMS Training Programme (for participants from Vietnam and countries of Southeast Asia).
  • The decision on further training programmes will be made later.

Agenda of the 24th JEMS Training

The Joint Institute for Nuclear Research is happy to announce the 24th training course “JINR Expertise for the Member States and Partner Countries” for administrators and managers of international projects in science and research in nuclear sciences and related disciplines to be held in JINR, Dubna, Moscow region, Russia, on 11 – 15 March 2024. Working language of the training course will be Russian.

Agenda of the 24th Training Programme
“JINR Expertise for Member States and Partner Countries”

24th Training Programme, 11 – 15 March

*Latest update of the agenda: 01.03.24

  Download the JEMS-24 Draft Agenda (docx, 17,8 Kb)

10.03.2024 (воскресенье). Заезд участников. Расселение в гостинице «Дубна».
11.03.2024 (понедельник)
«Физика тяжелых ионов и ускорительные технологии»


Встреча в холле гостиницы, отъезд в Визит-центр.
 Сопровождающий – Елена Алексеевна Бадави, зам. руководителя Департамента международного сотрудничества.


Лекция директора Учебно-научного центра (УНЦ) Дмитрия Владимировича Каманина “ОИЯИ: краткий обзор” (Визит-центр)


Посещение Лаборатории ядерных реакций (ЛЯР). Лекция, экскурсия – ДЦ-280.



Обед (кафе Дома ученых).


Посещение Лаборатории физики высоких энергий (ЛФВЭ).

Лекция, экскурсия – NICA, фабрика сверхпроводящих магнитов.


Протокольный ужин с дирекцией (ресторан «Барион»).


12.03.2024 (вторник)
«Исследования с нейтронами и наномир»


Посещение Лаборатории нейтронной физики (ЛНФ).

Лекции, экскурсия.


Обед (ресторан «Барион»).


Посещение Лаборатории ядерных реакций (ЛЯР);
лекция, наноцентр


Лекция директора Учебно-научного центра Д. В. Каманина «Международное сотрудничество в ОИЯИ».


Лекция Е. А. Бадави «История ОИЯИ».

13.03.2024 (среда)
«Теория, информация, образование»


Посещение Лаборатории теоретической физики (ЛТФ).


Посещение Лаборатории информационных технологий (ЛИТ);

лекция, экскурсия – суперкомпьютер «Говорун».


Обзорная экскурсия по Дубне.


Обед (ресторан «Барион»).


ДК «Мир». Лекция по образовательным программам ОИЯИ.
Мультимедийная выставка «Базовые установки ОИЯИ».
Лекция «Виртуальные лаборатории детекторов и сигналов».


Переход из ДК «Мир» в ДМС и кофе-брейк (ДМС).


Дом международных совещаний (ДМС).
Круглый стол «Вопросы подготовки кадров для крупных научных проектов».

14.03.2024 (четверг)
«Науки о жизни на Земле и в космосе»


Посещение Лаборатории радиационной биологии (ЛРБ);
лекция, экскурсия.


Посещение Лаборатории ядерных реакций, микротрон.


Обед (ресторан «Барион»).


Визит в Лабораторию ядерных проблем (ЛЯП), фазотрон и комплекс протонной терапии.


Лекция «Нейтронно-активационный анализ».


Лекция Е. А. Бадави «Социальная инфраструктура ОИЯИ».


Фуршет (бар ресторана «Барион»).

15.03.2024 (пятница)


Посещение Лаборатории ядерных проблем.
Лекция, экскурсия – Байкальский подводный нейтринный телескоп.


Круглый стол с Дирекцией ОИЯИ: дискуссия, вручение сертификатов, интервью.
Дом международных совещаний (Зеленый зал).


Обед (ресторан «Барион»).


Индивидуальная программа. Свободное время.

Previous Trainings
  • 5 Molodezhnaya str.
    (JINR Visit Centre)

    6 Joliot-Curie str.
    (JINR Directorate)

    Moscow region,
    Russia, 141980

  • +7 (496) 216-34-16

  • +7 (496) 216-58-90

  • jems@jinr.ru

24-я стажировка JEMS, 11 - 15 марта 2024 г.

JEMS Family Photos 2016 - 2023

23-rd JEMS, 11 - 15 September 2023

22nd JEMS, 24 - 28 April 2023

21st JEMS, 7 - 11 November 2022

20th JEMS, 14 - 18 February 2022

19th JEMS, 8 - 12 November 2021

18th JEMS, 5 - 9 July 2021

17th JEMS, 24 - 28 May 2021

16th JEMS, 19 - 23 April 2021

15th JEMS, 25 - 28 February 2020

14th JEMS, 2 - 6 December 2019

13th JEMS, 9 - 13 September 2019

12th JEMS, 3 - 7 June 2019

11th JEMS, 1 - 5 April 2019

10th JEMS, 4 - 8 February 2019

9th JEMS, 3 - 7 December 2018

8th JEMS, 3 - 7 September 2018

7th JEMS, 4 - 8 June 2018

6th JEMS, 16 - 20 April 2018

5th JEMS, 4 - 8 December 2017

4th JEMS, 27 November — 1 December 2017

3rd JEMS, 4 – 8 September 2017

2nd JEMS, 19 - 23 June 2017

1st JEMS, 17 - 20 April 2017

Launching of the JEMS training programme, August 2016


JEMS Organizer

Dmit­ry KAMA­NIN

Direc­tor of UC JINR


tel.: +7 (496) 216-58-39

fax: +7 (496) 216-58-91

е-mail: kamanin@jinr.ru