“Film science!”
News, 02 April 2020
On 2 April 2020, the TV channel “Nauka” (lit. “science”) announced the start of the contest “Film science!”. Photos of the winners will complement scientific articles on Wikipedia, the best videos will be broadcast, and one of the winners of the competition will get an opportunity to become a TV-host of the “Nauka” TV channel.
The start of the contest is devoted to the anniversary of the channel. It turns 9 this year.
“Film science!” is a competition of amateur videos and photos aimed at video bloggers, TV journalists, scientists, students, and everyone interested in popularizing scientific knowledge. In 2017, the project was created by the “Nauka” TV channel with the support of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation. The competition won the All-Russian Prize “For loyalty to science” twice.
As in the previous year, the brightest photos sent to the competition will be selected for the photo exhibition in Moscow and then will be exhibited at central regional sites of the All-Russian Festival “NAUKA0+” in autumn.
Attention! The organizers of the competition ask everyone to be responsible in view of the current situation with the coronavirus and maintain the quarantine while filming science. Moreover, a special prize will be awarded for the brightest videos shot indoors (editor’s choice).
More information on the website TV channel “Nauka”